Added a hook to allow overriding the redeem hook priority in custom scripts.
Added a checkbox to the Create Gift Cards admin area to optionally reset the form after the gift cards have been created. Only load Pikaday and Moment.js on the gift card product page to improve page speed.
Global setting to hide the Pimwick Plugins menu in the admin area. Fixed an issue with displaying the currency with the WOOCS currency switcher plugin by realmag777. Fixed an issue with displaying the currency with the Aelia Currency Switcher plugin installed.
Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce 6.8
Prevent an exception when viewing an order for a gift card product that was permanently deleted.
To fix a conflict with some Themes, changed the hook from woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_quantity to woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button
Added the Used For Variations checkbox to the Attributes tab.