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Log Update Item Pimwick WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro
This page only show history update item Pimwick WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro.

Show the full amount and not the sale price when previewing a gift card that is on sale.

When viewing a Preview on the frontend, ensure that the View PDF link shows the currently selected amount and not the placeholder 123.45

Added a new hook to be able to override the Check Balance page on the My Account area: pwgc_balance_page

Added a new hook to allow changing the email item data: pwgc_customer_email_item_data. Improved the accuracy of the Outstanding Balance amount in the admin area by rounding at each step. Fixed a conflict with PPOM for WooCommerce when changing the shipping method on the Cart or Checkout pages.

Fixed a conversion issue when using the Price Based on Country for WooCommerce plugin by Oscar Gare.

- Added a new option to not display the Gift Card Applied message when clicking the Redeem button. To disable this message, set PWGC_SHOW_GIFT_CARD_APPLIED_MESSAGE_FROM_REDEEM_BUTTON to false in wp-config.php

Confirmed compatibility with WooCommerce v5.7

- Improved the cart_contains_gift_card() function so it can be used in the back end. Added a hook to change the configuration parameters for the PDF generation.

- Prevent a possible exception from being thrown when using WPML Multi Currency.