Build powerful CRM, web application, forms using PDOCrud super fast – New version released with PHP 8 support
PDOCrud is an advance PHP based CRUD application. It supports Mysql, Pgsql and Sqlite database. You can use PDOCrud to generate both frontend and backend of your application. By writing just 2-3 lines of code only, you can perform insert/update/delete and select operation. You just to need to create object and call for render function for that table and everything will be generated automatically. Form fields will be generated based on the data type. You can remove fields, change type of fields and can do various types of customization.
Version 5.1 out now with PHP 8 compatibility and many new features. Check out now
You can build forms directly from database tables in few seconds just by writing 2-3 lines of code. All insert/update/delete/view code is managed by the script.
Script functionality
Almost in each web application, we need to write many-many lines of codes to perform insert, update, delete and read database tables operations. PDOCrud script does this work by just writing 2 lines of code. This will do add, edit, update and delete basic operation along with several other operation, like pagination, records per page, search etc. Apart from these, you can customize the table and form data in many ways as per requirement by writing simple line of codes. Many javascript plugins are also added that help to perform many other tasks also. Script has many features to ease the development process. You can build simple web application and backend cms using the script easily.