Through the magic of editors you can edit all the data (which is possible) in the following sections:
All editors are written using plugins Bootstrap, namely some of the data can be edited using the plugin Modal, and some data can be edited using the Popover plugin. Everything is implemented in ajax that makes editing any data from these sections are very fast, and with a complete check on the completeness of required fields (validation).
Special attention should be given to the editor for the Orders with which you can edit the order right on the page, view it in a more convenient form without any tabs, also on ajax and Bootstrap plugins.
You can edit all the data is already perfect order, namely:
In module added SEO Manager, with which you can create any SEO Keyword (SEO URL), and generate the following SEO data:
To generate the above data for the following sections:
And if in SEO Manager sets a template for creating SEO Keyword (SEO URL), then when you save the category, product, manufacturer or informational articles SEO Keyword (SEO URL) will be created automatically based on the given template.