Dual Cart - Open Cart + Quotation Cart: The extension allows you to receive quote requests for your products along with orders.
Like a customer adds to cart a product, they can now also request a quote for your product(s).
On receiving a quote request, admin can view it and add a new price for products & submit it back to the customer. Additionally, admin can also set an expiry date and add shipping charges to that quote.
The Customer is notified by email and PDF attached about the quote submission.
Now the customer has the option to place the order or rejects it.
The order will be placed on the submitted price of the quote.
The extension provides you with best features for turning your Shopping cart into Dual cart.
Try Demo
Step by step guide to make a quote on demo : Check guide
Username: demo
Password: demo
Admin Quotation List Page: Quotation Manager For Admin
Admin Quotation Settings: Quotation Settings For Admin
Store Front: Store front With Request Quote Buttons
Making a quote in the store front : Check images
Features Summary:
Ex: $4 - $5 for 1000's pieces, $700 - $800 / piece etc..
Products : 2 more types added
With the dual cart, your products can now be of 3 types easily.
1) Normal add to cart: This is similar to your current set up i.e normal add to cart feature for your product on the front end. A Customer can add to cart a product and place an order.
2) Only quote: When this field is assigned to the product, on front-end the customer can only request a quote for this product. Add to cart feature is turned off. By default for only quote products, prices are not shown on the front end. This feature can be enabled - disabled from admin side.
3) Quote + Cart: When this field is assigned to the product, on front-end the customer can either add to cart the product or request a quote. So both options are enabled.
On demo you will find both kinds of products i.e quote + cart and just quote.
Latest Update Features Added:
Main Features
Opencart + Quotation Cart
You can have 2 carts ( DUAL ) working together in your store i.e normal add to cart and additional quotation cart. Your normal checkout process will be unaffected and there would be an additional way to create a quote request for your products.
The products can be only quoted product, normal add to cart product or both.
You can set up this in admin for each product or through quick assignment tool
Separate Quotation Checkout
With this customers don't need to add many details for quote purpose. They can add the product to quote and checkout in 2 easy steps. This is possible if separate quotation cart is enabled. You can also enable/disable address forms at quotation checkout.
Show Price For Quote Products
If you want to show customers price for quote products. It is possible to do it. Just enable the settings in the module settings page. So before the customer places the quote they can still see the normal price available for those products.
Choose preferred shipping method
Before quotation is placed by the customer there is an optional form to enter preferred shipping method. They can select this before asking for a quote. The selection would be seen by admin while checking the quote.
Add custom price for quote
Once the customer request quote, admin can see this in admin panel quotation list page.
Admin can enter the new price, percentage discount or fixed price for products.
Set expiry date for quote
Admin can also enable an expiry date for quote submitted to the customer.
So they can make the order within that date else it would again go under admin review.
Set shipping price / method
Admin can assign shipping method to quote along with the custom price.
Same shall be shown to the customer while placing the order for that quote.
Admin edit's quote and submit it back to the customer : Check images
Quote PDF
PDF for quote is attached with email once admin submits it.
So customers can download from the email.
It is also available on admin and my account page view for view/download.
Place Order / Reject Quote
A customer can either place order at the submitted quote price.
Or they can reject it.
If rejected admin will be notified by the email. And also can check in quotation list page
in admin.
Converting quote to order within Opencart