* Fix - Improve checkout error handling
* Fix - Remove warning about USD not being a supported currency
* Fix - Ensure dynamic descriptor is 20 characters or less
* Fix - Potential error when upgrading to Moneris Checkout
* Fix - Ensure WooCommerce core "Place order" button renders as disabled when using Moneris Checkout as payment method
* Feature - Support for Moneris Checkout
* Feature - Support for 3DSecure
* Feature - Compliance with COF (card on file) and MIT (merchant initiated transactions) mandates
* Misc - Interac Online payment method deprecated
* Fix - Ensure that credit card input field can be properly focused on iPad
* Fix - Replace deprecated `is_ajax()` function calls with `wp_doing_ajax()`
* Misc - Require WooCommerce 3.9.4 or greater