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Log Update Item WooCommerce Brands
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Brands.

* Fix - Add HPOS compatibility.

* Tweak - WC 7.1 compatibility.

* Tweak - WP 6.1 compatibility.

Tweak - WC 7.0 compatibility.

Fix - Fixes tax query ignoring category (#230).

* Dev - Add branch-labels GH workflow.

* Dev - GH release config and the new PR template.

* Tweak - WC 6.9 compatibility.

* Fix - Coupons logic for variable products.

* Tweak - WC 6.8 compatibility.

Tweak - WC 6.7 compatibility.

* Fix - Avoid collisions with other coupons.

* Fix - Logic applying the coupon in the backend .

* Fix - Solve critical error applying coupons in REST API.

Tweak - WC 6.6 compatibility.