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Log Update Item WPMU DEV Hustle
This page only show history update item WPMU DEV Hustle.

- Fix: Loading issues with Mobile styles

- Fix: Vertical Scroll bar in Slide-ins

- Fix: Conflict with Elementor sliders

- Enhance: White label browser tabs

- Enhance: Do not add 'https://' to CTA redirect URL

- Enhance: Add appearance settings for CTA helper text

- Fix: Fatal error when there are many CPTs on the site

- Fix: IContact integration is still connected if you enter invalid credentials

- Fix: Embed Container Margin does not work

- Fix: Custom Font Styles Reset is not Working

- Fix: Custom Mobile Settings > Featured Image On/Off Bug

- Fix: Preview does not work for Hustle Embed modules with Twenty Twenty-Two theme

- Fix: Recipient field for Automated email is empty when you update it after resaving

- Fix: Datepicker issue in Forminator form inside popup

- New: Add global option to disable tracking

- Fix: Popup Template goes away after changing Color Theme

- Fix: Cannot select time in optin modules Emails > Automated emails > Schedule

- Fix: If multiple modules have time picker field on front end, the field works only in one module, not others

- Fix: Fatal error on Popup optin module when we schedule Automated email with delay 0 seconds

- Fix: Help text should be hidden when CTA is set to none

- New: Allow to select years and months in the date picker

- New: Add search ability to listing pages

- New: Capture value of a hidden field from query parameters

- New: Add “Expand all” & “Collapse all” ability for Color Palettes settings

- New: Ability to switch order on Email List filter

- New: Add Gutenberg block for adding Unsubscribe shortcode

- New: Support Unsubscribe Link in Automated Email

- Enhance: PHP 8.1 compatibility

- Enhance: Update chart.js library

- Enhance: Tag and Category rules not working for WordPress Pages

- Fix: Text mode removes break lines

- Fix: Loading modules code everywhere with Static cache for simple Visibility Conditions

- Fix: Fatal error with a huge amount of posts

- Fix: Divi theme conflict with color picker

- Fix: Unable to Save Palette when editing Color Palettes

- Enhance: Update integration with WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin

- Fix: Social sharing icons are always vertical

- Fix: Offset settings don't work in social share

- Enhance: Enable the analytics tracking by default for new modules

- Enhance: Speed up query time by caching `attachment_url_to_postid` function

- Enhance: Update wp-color-picker-alpha library to 3.0.2 version

- Enhance: Hubspot migration to Granular CRM Scopes

- Enhance: Plugin icon

- Enhance: Preload icons font

- Enhance: Caching some DB requests

- Enhance: One-Click unsubscribe for local lists

- Fix: Error when nothing is selected from Mailchimp Group Dropdown

- Fix: Social Sharing modules do not follow the defined Mobile Breakpoint

- Fix: It does not subscribe Mailchimp archived contacts

- Fix: Schedule does not follow the relevant Timezone

- Fix: Wildcard does not work well

- Fix: `Never end the schedule` option issue

- Enhance: Plugin icon

- Fix: Some Visibility conditions are not working with Static Cache

Fix: Fatal error - Call to undefined method Hustle_SShare_Model::get_settings().