Total 06/03/2025 : We HAVE 11186 Items and more than 3493 happy members.
Log Update Item WooCommerce Memberships
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Memberships.

 * Fix - Ensure member purchasing discounts are applied with most recent versions of WooCommerce Bookings

 * Fix - Ensure the correct restriction message is displayed in the 'wcm_content_restricted' shortcode

 * Fix - Address potential deprecated notices when Memberships handles background jobs with WooCommerce 5.3+

Feature - Introduce a configurable membership directory block with search, filtering, and pagination of members.

Fix - When a user doesn't belong to any membership plan, don't show them any profile fields in the My Account area

 * Fix - Remove deprecated usages of `is_ajax()` in favor of `wp_doing_ajax()`

 * Misc - Require WooCommerce v3.9.4 or later

Fix - Show profile fields for product variations when the parent product has associated profile fields

Fix - Hide rules belonging to trashed membership plans from all meta boxes