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Log Update Item All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions
This page only show history update item All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions.

Fix - Fixed an issue where 'Add this cart to an existing subscription' is displayed when user not logged in.

 Feature - Hide WooCommerce Payments quick-pay buttons in product pages with Subscription plans.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that resulted in an immediate charge of synchronized subscription plans. Introduced in v3.1.31 after changing the priorities of price filters.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented bundled items from being removed from a subscription when removing their parent Bundle, in scenarios when the parent Bundle is part of a Composite Product.

* Feature - Added integration with PayPal Payments to hide quick-pay buttons in product pages with subscription plans.

* Fix - Fixed missing notices.

* Fix - Fixed PHP warning triggered when selecting a discounted Subscription plan for a Product Bundle without a Regular/Sale price.

Product Added to the system.