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Log Update Item Pixwell - Modern Magazine
This page only show history update item Pixwell - Modern Magazine.

- Add: new google fonts

- Add HubSpot CRM plugin as the recommended plugin: forms, live chat, CRM (contact management), email marketing, and analytics

- Improve: Adblock detector

- Improve: compatible with PHP 8.2

- Improve: compatible with Elementor 3.10.x

- Improve: compatible with WordPress 6.x

- Improve: Update envato market plugin

- Other improvements and minor bug fixes

- Add meta description for single post and archives

- Add detailed description for the settings. This will help you easy use to the theme. 

- Add use Jetpack OG tags if this plugin is installed

- Improve OG tags for Twitter shared

- Add new google fonts

- Add offer settings for the post review

- Improve post review schema

- Improve remove zero share number

- Improve dark mode styling and color

- Improve detect opengaph plugins to disable default OG tags to prevent duplicate code

- Improve detect SEO plugins to disable default schema markup to prevent duplicate code

- Improve Elementor block settings

- Improve Theme Options panel style

- Improve single page metaboxes panel

- And other improvements and minor bug fix

- Add new google fonts

- And other improvements and minor bug fix

- Add news demo

- Add heathy demo

- Add cookie mode for the dark mode to prevent flickering when loading

- And other improvements and minor bug fix

- Add new demo

- Add new Elementor small list block

- Add ratio setting for the featured image in Elementor blocks

- Add H tags setting in Elementor block

- Add Paywall feature and support simple membership plugin

- Add Elementor plan, subscription block

- Add Elementor ad image block

- Add Elementor ad script block

- Add Footer 3 columns layout

- Add border settings for the Elementor heading block

- Improve compatible with Elementor 3.5.6

- Fix footer menu typography settings

- And other improvements and minor bug fix

- Add: New Baby Care demo

- Improve: Update google fonts

- Improve: Optimize CSS code

- And other improvements and minor bug fix