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Log Update Item Stackable Premium WordPress Block Editor
This page only show history update item Stackable Premium WordPress Block Editor.

* New: Navigation Panel

* Fixed: Missing Featured Image in the Default Posts block variation

* Fixed: Content order issues in the Posts block

* Fixed: Content order Posts block always shows the reset button

* Fixed: A block can show an error when saving without picking a layout

* Fixed: The margin bottom resizer can be visible when picking a layout

* Fixed: Security fixes

* Fixed: Blocks with variations couldn't be added (free only)

* Fixed: Layout switcher button doesn't show

* New: You can now change the Layout after adding a block

* New: Added Row Gap option in Icon List block

* New: Added Horizontal 2 layout for the Posts block (inverse of Horizontal layout)

* Fixed: Editor performance improvements

* Fixed: Accordion block support for some older browsers

* Fixed: Featured Image bottom margin can now be changed in the Posts block

* Fixed: Sometimes line-height won't get applied to the post titles in the Posts block

* Fixed: Column resizer handlers now show correctly for nested column blocks

* Fixed: Text and heading blocks now appear when in Content Editing Mode

* Fixed: Added center, wide and fullwidth to the Header block

* Fixed: Posts block Horizontal layout doesn't collapse correctly in mobile

* Fixed: Some Posts block content go past their containers in mobile

* Fixed: Using custom color pickers can close the current popover

* Fixed: Using rem font size shows the font size differently in mobile

* Fixed: The button appender button is now on the right side of the block

* Fixed: Alignment of the top & bottom lines of the header block now work in tablet/mobile correctly if there's a desktop alignment provided

* Fixed: Multiple copy and paste notifications won't anymore fill up the screen

* Fixed: Column styles can affect inner blocks in the editor

* Fixed: Jetpack form goes side-by-side in the editor

* Fixed: Hitting return while editing image dimensions in the size popover opens the Media Library

* New: WordPress 5.9 compatibility & FSE compatibility

* New: Added Overlay Colors to the Image block - now you can add solid or gradient colored overlays!

* Fixed: Clicking the expand block link scrolls the screen down

* Fixed: Inspector tabs went behind the visible area when scrolling down

* Fixed: Clearing a text highlight color, resets the highlight type.

* Fixed: Possible PHP error when a custom post used in Dynamic Content becomes unavailable

* New: Added back ability to change the column order when columns collapse in mobile

* New: Added Post Taxonomies in dynamic content

* New: Added link option to the Image Block

* Fixed: Trigger when all display conditions are met is not triggering properly

* Fixed: Entrance animation speeds and delay do not take effect correctly

* Fixed: Column gap and fit columns options now work in Feature Grid block

* Fixed: Display conditions: post meta & site option true & false condition now works if the value is ''

* Fixed: Display conditions: Post meta & site option contains & does-not-contain condition now works if the string matched is at the start of the string

* Fixed: Content Vertical Align option prevents the responsive display options from being applied

* Fixed: Top and bottom lines in Heading block not left aligning

* Fixed: Icon block custom CSS not showing correctly in the editor

* New: Added Wireframes in the Design Library

* Change: Removed plugin deactivation feedback

* Fixed: Block alignments not inherited properly in tablet and mobile

* Fixed: Text in post block not aligning in tablet and mobile

* Fixed: Shadows in the design library are cut when viewing only a few designs

* Fixed: Button link popover is hard to close

* Fixed: Less Content Layout Shift (CLS)

* Fixed: Memory usage optimization (10% memory savings)

* Fixed: Aligning content in tablet doesn't inherit correctly in mobile

* Fixed: Column gap in desktop collapses columns in tablet

* Fixed: Unwanted delay when icons change color on hover

* Fixed: Translations are now properly applied across the plugin

* Fixed: Design library infinite loading spinner and fails to load design

* Fixed: PublishPress workaround - Stackable blocks won't load

* Fixed: Posts block can affect the display of other Posts block in the editor

* Fixed: Posts block won't show featured image if size is not full

* Fixed: Icon list columns flexbox issue

* Fixed: Accordion block affects the icon of nested accordion blocks

* Fixed: Pricing box alignment in some layouts

* Fixed: Notification block close button can go out of the container

* Fixed: Kadence compatibility - dots added to the blog posts meta (v2 block)

* Fixed: Image box can have a small white gap if the container size has fractions in its widt (v2 block)

* New: Added a modal popup to help with the migration process to version 3

* New: Shadow options can now be styled on hover

* Fixed: Block widths when nested

* Fixed: Column content widths sometimes didn't apply especially when nested

* Fixed: Layout styles of the Blog Posts and Card block

* Fixed: The image cannot be selected some Card block layouts

* Fixed: Posts Block title tag can't be changed

* Fixed: Remove unwanted bottom margin in columns

* Fixed: Content Vertical Align did not apply

* Fixed: Icon Label block icon gap showing incorrectly in the backend when you have multiple icon labels

* Fixed: PHP warning for themes using theme.json

* Fixed: Feature block horizontal layout didn't show as horizontal

* Fixed: Image Box block layouts were not aligned correctly

* Fixed: Image placeholder height now shows correctly

* Fixed: Blocks can be linked together if creating multiple columns at once

* Fixed: Compatibility with wide/full align when Kadence blocks is enabled

* Fixed: Fixed typo in the wizard text

* Fixed: Compatibility with some plugins when backward compatibility with v2 blocks is enabled

* Fixed: Backward compatibility with v2 blocks now work with reusable blocks

* Fixed: Possible too many redirects when going to the wizard