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Log Update Item FooEvents PDF Tickets
This page only show history update item FooEvents PDF Tickets.

FIXED: PHP 8.0 compatibility


FIXED: Various other small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.2.0

FIXED: Various other small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

FIXED: Various small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0


FIXED: Various othersmall bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.8.0

UPDATED: Various security updates

FIXED: Various other small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.6.0

FIXED: Removed jpg barcode generation causing error on some servers

FIXED: Various other small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.6.0

FIXED: Various small bugs

TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.6.0

Product Added to the system.