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Log Update Item 66Analytics [Extended License] - Website Traffic Analytics Platform
This page only show history update item 66Analytics [Extended License] - Website Traffic Analytics Platform.
  • Fully reworked & redesigned the checkout process.
  • Implemented the ability to block bots & crawlers from being tracked.
  • Implemented the ability to have custom Invoice number prefix.
  • Implemented the ability to view invoices for all the payments via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to delete payment logs from the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability for admins to create & configure taxes from the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to attach different taxes for any paid plan.
  • Implemented the ability to enable / disable the taxes & billing system completely from the admin panel.
  • Implemented email verification when an already existing account is changing their email address to another one for better security.
  • Updated Stripe payment handler to support the latest API version of Stripe.
  • Updated Stripe PHP SDK to the latest version.
  • Updated bootstrap to the latest version 4.5.2.
  • Updated jquery to the latest version 3.5.1.
  • Reworked the user account deletion and made it into a new, separated page.
  • Replaced Google's Favicon provider (for displaying website favicons) with a more privacy-friendly solution from DuckDuckGo.
  • Replaced country flags api provider with self hosted svg files for countries to avoid being dependant on an API provider.
  • Fixed Admin User Update not being able to set an account to a disabled status.
  • A lot of other fixes, code cleanups and improvements that don't need mentioning.
Product Added to the system.