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Log Update Item WooCommerce Floating Cart - An Interactive Floating Cart for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Floating Cart - An Interactive Floating Cart for WooCommerce.

- **fix**: Fixed shipping bar amount left calculation in cases where prices are shown including taxes and a coupon is set.

- **new**: Added **Amount Left Display** option for the shipping bar. By default, the amount left will be displayed Including or Excluding taxes based on the native WooCommerce option: **"Display prices during cart and checkout."** You can however choose to override it with this option. ****

- **support**: Make the plugin work with **Disable Cart Fragments** plugin ****

- **enhance**: Better look on small screens, 350px width and less

- **fix**: Show quantity on bundled items without allowing update.

- **fix**: Minor fixes

- **update**: XT Framework update

- **new**: Added a return to shop button when the cart is empty.

- **update**: Replaced the following text: "No products in the cart." with "Your cart is empty!" **Note: if this text was translated, you will have to translate it again.**

- **update**: Updated language file

- **support**: Better support for **YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles** Plugin

- **fix**: Minor css fixes

- **fix**: Fixed Deprecated Message: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated.

- **update**: XT Framework update

- **update**: Freemius SDK update

- **fix**: Shipping calculator will now be visible only if the native woocommerce option "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" is enabled. ****

- **fix**: Fixed issue with grouped products forcing users to select all products. Allow adding 1 or more products to the cart instead.

- **fix**: When using the "Upsell Order Bump Offer for WooCommerce" plugin, skip Floating Cart single ajax add to cart action and let the plugin do its job instead.

- **fix**: Minor css fixes

- **update**: XT Framework update

- **fix**: When Checkout Form is enabled and Terms and conditions page is set within Customizer -> WooCommerce -> Checkout, the terms text and required checkbox are not visible, making it impossible to complete the checkout. Now fixed:

- **update**: XT Framework update

- **fix**: Cart Menu Item: fix alignment option not being applied on mobile / tablet screens

- **fix**: [Bug] Safari Scrolling Issue - The cart stops scrolling after making any cart updates

- **update**: XT Framework update

- **new**: **Pro** Shipping methods within Cart Totals / Checkout: Added an option to select between Radio buttons or Dropdowns

- **new**: **Pro** Added option to hide 3rd party WooCommerce Notices that appear within the Floating Cart (Info & Success notices only)

- **fix**: Minor css fixes

- **support**: Support for WooCommerce Minima and Maxima plugin.

- **fix**: Freemius Security Fix

- **update**: XT Framework update