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Log Update Item Share-one-Drive | OneDrive plugin for WordPress
This page only show history update item Share-one-Drive | OneDrive plugin for WordPress.

Added: New setting field in Module configurator to set a custom 'Add your file(s)' upload button text.

Added: Upload Box now also supports the deletion of uploaded files when enabled in the module configuration.

Fix: Automatically set OneDrive account for modules with account ID missing (only available for OneDrive Personal accounts).

Fix: Google Analytics event didn't always log the file name correctly.

Fix: Updates for plugin were not installed automatically when 'Auto-Updates' are enabled.

Improved: Small changes to the Report tables to improve performance.

Added: new $post_id% and %postmeta_{key}% placeholders.

Fix: Shortcode Builder in classic TinyMCE editor not storing shortcode correctly when using non UTF-8 characters.

Fix: Share file action not working when using a deeplink to a File Browser module folder in combination with multiple accounts. The account was not set correctly, causing the plugin to stop the share action.

Fix: Shortcode Builder in Elementor stops working after applying changes to the page.

Fix: Shortcodes with set sub folder location could not always load the requested sub folder correctly.

Improved: You can now set a max height for the playlist of the Audio Player and Video Player modules.