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Log Update Item Tasty Recipes - A powerful WordPress recipe plugin for food blogs
This page only show history update item Tasty Recipes - A powerful WordPress recipe plugin for food blogs.

Fixes issue in some fractional conversions between metric and US customary.

* Updates placement of 'Description Color' in settings page.

* Fixes issue with video input field not displaying the video on Snap recipe card template.

* Adds support for primary, secondary, and icon color setting on Snap recipe card template.

Adds support for embedding YouTube Shorts URLs.

* Updates WP Recipe Maker converter to properly migrate recipe videos.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_quick_links` filter to allow modifying Quick Links.

* Adds more specific rating styles to avoid theme conflicts.

* Fixes issue where percentages would be matched as units in the scaling buttons.

Ensures 'calories' is always appended in nutrition schema output, regardless of where it's from.

* Appends 'calories' to Nutrifox nutrition schema output to fix Google Search Console warning.

* Allows '8' as the denominator when rounding if the value is '1/8'.

* Ignores `trash` posts when finding posts to convert.

* Refactors 'Copy to Clipboard' to use ingredients listed in the browser, to ensure scaling and unit conversion are applied.

* Adds a checkbox to enable automatic conversion of older recipes.

* Detects Mediavine videos in blocks in the post for inclusion in JSON+LD schema.

* Reintroduces scaling and unit conversion in print preview.

* Adds `style="display: none !important;"` to ensure `<script>` and `<style>` tags aren't ever displayed.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_default_author_name` filter to allow the default author name to be modified.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_scalable_amounts` filter to allow the scale amounts to be modified.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_json_ld_image_sizes` filter to allow JSON+LD image sizes to be modified.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_card_top_details` filter to allow Bold card top details to be configurable.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_customization_settings` filter to allow changing customization settings based on context (e.g. a different color for print).

* Adds ingredient checkboxes.

* Adds improved print controls and card styles for print.

* Switches to `body-color.color` on all recipe cards for inline nutrition details.

* Bold card changes: hides the 'Description' heading; moves Cook Time, Prep Time, Additional Time to 'Other Details'

* Recalculates recipe ratings after wpDiscuz comment submission.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_nutrifox_display_style` filter to make it possible to change the Nutrifox display style when a custom card is used.

* Introduces a `tasty_recipes_use_yoast_schema` filter to allow Tasty Recipes schema to be used even when Yoast is active.

* Adds unit conversion support to all recipe card templates.

* Adds button support to all recipe card templates.

* Adds support for displaying Nutrifox data directly in the recipe card, instead of as a label.

* Persists the original fraction type (vulgar vs. standard) when using unit conversion UX.

* Adds settings and per-recipe controls for enabling/disabling scaling.

* Adds per-recipe control for enabling/disabling unit conversion.