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Log Update Item FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders
This page only show history update item FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders.

- Improved: Folder name sorting

- Fixed: Import from 3rd party plugins

- Removed: CSS Gallery when not using Gutenberg

- Fixed: PHP warning

- Updated: Korean Language

- Removed: All .DS_Store files

- Fixed: Schedule permission error

- Fixed: Conflict with Oxygen Builder

- Fixed: Module build failed

- Added: FileBird Themes (Windows 11, Dropbox)

- Added: FileBird Folder colors

- Added: Move folders in bulk

- Added: FileBird Gallery Layouts (Flex | Manasory | Grid) and Lightbox

- Added: New Sort by Size and Generate attachment size

- Added: New API method for Dev

- Added: Some new settings

- Added: Full Support Gutenberg Block Translation with new json file (you can generate by using wp i18n make-json which have been published by WP version 5)

- Added: Support Korean Language

- Added: Support Themify

- Added: Recommended plugins

- Optimized: Performance (FileBird 5 loads the previous versions, refactored code base, optimized query, removed some library, changed structure)

- Improved: UI and notices

- Improved: FileBird Auto Update, License checking

- Updated: POT file

- Fixed: CSS with LMS Plugin

- Fixed: Minimize Upload Popup

- Fixed: Warning in PHP 8 (Tested in PHP 8.1)

- Fixed: Schedule Auto Clean Temp folder when using folder download function

- Fixed: Divi Builder Bug

- Fixed: Generate name when download folder

- Fixed: Compatible with Enhanced Media plugin

- Fixed: Some bugs

Optimized code

- Fixed: Slow query 

- Fixed: File permissions

- Fixed: Hide tab Import/Export error

- Added: Import/Export folder structure into CSV

- Added: Flat/Default tree view in modal

- Improved: UI and text

- Fixed: Conflict with Envato market

- Fixed: Conflict with ACF 

- Fixed: Error in folder.php

Added: Support MailPoet

- Added: Folder selector in Edit media

- Fixed: WooCommerce conflict (break Upload Theme button)