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Log Update Item WP Staging Pro
This page only show history update item WP Staging Pro.

* New: Create backups and restore of multisites #1458

* Fix: Force AnalyticsSender to convert wpstg_settings to array before usage #1559

* Fix: Backup Search & Replace does not work with new primary key conditional query #1556

* Fix: Fix labels on backup sites #1551

* Fix: Backup restore can not unserialize escaped serialized strings #1554

* New: Support for WordPress 5.9

* New: Add filter to change the cache folder for creating & restoring backups #1528

* New: Huge performance improvement for search & replace in cloning / pushing / backup process #1522

* Fix: Call to undefined function human_readable_duration() on backup creation if WP is older than 5.1 #1527 #1525 #1535

* Dev: Add unit tests for Times class

* Dev: Update db_version in SQL dumps to match WordPress 5.9 db version #1539

* Dev: Add command to get db_version from database

* New: Add support for WordPress 5.8.3

* New: Add filter for excluding files during cloning / backup #1494

* New: Add filter for overwriting max execution for database backup restore #1512

* New: Add filter to allow overwriting of the maximum allowed request time to make sure backup restore works for huge files. (19.000.000M database rows) #1510

* Fix: If cloning a multisite subsite into external database, it does not clone / backup wp_users and wp_usermeta #1515

* Fix: Skip tmp single file plugin during backup PUSH copy process #1491

* Fix: Preserve table selection during PUSH and UPDATE even when all backup tables unselected #1488

* Fix: Make sure maximum memory consumption during cloning or backup is never higher than 256MB #1502

* Fix: Use custom implementation of wp_timezone() for backward compatibility to WordPress older than 5.3 #1505

* Fix: Override FileObject::fgets to make them behave exactly from SplFileObject of PHP < 8.0.1 #1506

* Tweak: Show custom uploads folder in tooltip description and explain better that changing a symlink image will also change the image on the production site. #1495

Hotfix: Fix CLONE PUSH BACKUP on Medium and High CPU Load on WP STAGING PRO 4.1.3. Improve Performance of database backup #1492

* Fix: Update notice is shown even when using latest version #1398

* Fix: Backup & cloning 100% compatible with PHP 8.0.12 #1281

* Fix: Skip search replace on backup & cloning query if it's size exceed preg functions limit #1404

* Fix: Skip inserting backup & cloning query if it exceeds mysql max_allowed_package. Show warning to user #1405

* Fix: Make db option wpstg_staging_sites always return an array #1413

* Fix: Fix dependency injection for backup notices class. Solve conflict with TranslatePress #1416

* Tweak: Use php version number as tag for php docker container #1407

* Tweak: Improve symlink tooltip text #1411

* Tweak: Refactor WP STAGING Pro to WP STAGING | PRO in notices #1409

* Tweak: Remove 16 characters limitation for the backup & CLONE NAME and keep it for CLONE DIRECTORY #1412

* New: Show a summary of selected tables and plugins in the push selection

* Fix: WP Staging's variable not declared on plugins page #1373

* Fix: Fix PUSH process when no table is selected #1387

* Fix: Enclose table name with backticks during quering in CLONE and PUSH jobs #1388

* New: Ask user to allow sending non-personalized usage information for improving the user experience

* Fix: Feedback modal not opened after disabling a plugin #1373

* Fix: Prevent cloning error by enclosing table name with backticks in CLONE and PUSH jobs #1388

* Tweak: Disable the notice about not messing with uploads or wp-content directories #1385

* Fix: Push from staging site in external database can fail if there are many tables to replace due to exceeding maximum allowed number of external database connections #1379

* Enh: Added buttons to ease process of selecting tables during PUSH process. #1377

* Tweak: Make staging site upgrade routine run always #1358

* Fix: Fix issue about checking rest url #1354

* Fix: Fix exclude condition for tables during PUSH #1364

Fix: New pro version does not recognize staging sites created with older free version #1293