Fixed wrong folder name (WordPress)
Tested with WordPres 6.0.1
[+] Translate collector card fields directly from WordPress
[!] Fix showing response time info in collector card
[+] Add collector card
[*] Only ask audio permission to Safari users (when new conversation is created)
[*] Mark as read automatically when you close conversation
[*] Don't greet user on chat widget header when user's name is actually an email
[!] Fix showing re-activated conversations on inbox
[+]: WordPress: Check new plugin updates automatically
[*]: WordPress: Use "wp_remote_post" for sending WooCommerce data to Chat app
[!]: WordPress: Updated chat console dashboard to the latest version
[!]: Fixed going online/offline status updates on chat widget
[+] Display exceptions (Show up chat widget on specific pages)
[+] WordPress: Automatically recognize logged-in WordPress users
[+] WooCommerce: Create a chat in background including order details when the customer place an order, so your operators can see in your chat console and reply
[+] JavaScript API: Identity Verification (a.k.a Custom User Authentication)
[+] Greet returning visitors on chat widget header (i.e. Hello John)
[*] Whitelabel: screets Chat name can be removable from the chat widget
[*] Whitelabel: Notification emails (sent to your clients) now use Application Name and logo (instead of screets brand)
[*] No need to authorize domains starting with "www". It's automatically recognized
[+] New chat starter icon
[+] New appearance option: "Hide chat widget when all operators are offline"
[+] Auto-detect language and translate strings of the chat widget (i.e. Turkish, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.)
[+] Set your custom titles for chat widget
[+] Set your custom Google Font for chat widget
[+] Show "green badge" on chat starter button when at least one operator is online
[+] Sound notifications to chat console
[+] URLs are clickable in chat messages (including e-mails)
[+] Recognize RTL messages on chat
[*] Better design for in-app message (in other words, chat button title)
[*] Show only online operators on chat widget on online mode (when at least one operator is online)
[*] Increase maximum height of chat popup from 580px to 720px
[*] Improve stability of embedded chat console in WordPress
[!] Fix chat popup header sizing issue on first load
[!] Fix unable to disable "hide me on chat widget" option
[*] Improve licensing (including updating quotas)
[*] Re-arrange positioning green badge of online operator pictures (avatars)