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Log Update Item Paid Memberships Pro – Core Plugin
This page only show history update item Paid Memberships Pro – Core Plugin.

BUG FIX: Fixed issue with alternative login methods that call the wp_login_failed hook with only 1 parameter.

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added MMPU compatibility for some crons. #2211 (@dparker1005)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: The default "More Information" group name/label is now translatable. #2214 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added JavaScript code to prevent duplicate clicking of the cancel button. #2216 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed PHP notice on the update billing page. #2219 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Avoiding line breaks in very long labels for checkbox fields. #2221 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX: Fixed issue with processing customer.subscription.deleted webhook events from Stripe with newer versions of PHP. #2217 (@dparker1005)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now correctly deprecating the pmprorh_section_header() function. We accidentally had it reversed and throwing a warning when using the new pmpro_default_field_group_label() function. (@kimcoleman)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: When saving user fields, now making sure that the group name is not blank and unique. Blank or duplicate group names could cause other issues, e.g. with required fields or fields being shown multiple times at checkout. #2187 (@ideadude)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed issue where the sales report widget cache was not being updated when new orders came in.

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Better error handling in the PayPal IPN handler. #2194 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX: Fixed issue where user fields set as "required" weren't being styled as required on the checkout page. #2180 (@ipokkel)

* BUG FIX: Now showing the new level templates even if you click on the link in the dashboard or on a fresh install's levels page. #2181 (@kimwhite)

* BUG FIX: Fixed issues where pmprorh_sanitize was being called instead of the new pmpro_sanitize, causing issues with date fields and others at checkout. #2182

* FEATURE: Added a "User Fields" tab to the settings page. You can now add "Register Helper" style fields through the WP admin dashboard without code. (@ideadude, @kimcoleman, @dparker1005)

* FEATURE: The "Add Ons" tab has a new look, with better browsing and searching. (@kimcoleman)

* FEATURE: Added support for level templates to more easily allow admins to create popular types of levels. (@kimcoleman)

* FEATURE: Added a CSV export option to the built-in reports. (@andrewlimaza, @JarryLong)

* ENHANCEMENT: Redesigned the Add/Edit Membership Level screen to focus on the applicable settings for the type of level. (@kimcoleman)

* ENHANCEMENT: Testing PHP sessions in site health now. (@JarrydLong)

* ENHANCEMENT: Fixed doc block for the pmpro_getLevel() function. (@eighty20results)

* ENHANCEMENT: Showing a notice on the PMPro settings pages if the next update for PMPro has an "update notice" section in the readme for that version. (@dparker1005)

* ENHANCEMENT: Removed the odd line break from the "Powered by Paid Memberships Pro" HTML comment. (@mircobabini)

* ENHANCEMENT: Added filter pmpro_membershiplevels_page_action_links to add/modify buttons on the Settings > Membership Levels admin page. (@kimcoleman)

* ENHANCEMENT: Added pmpro_unhandled_webhook action that is thrown when a webhook or IPN handler encounters a webhook that isn't processed by PMPro. You can use this hook to log these cases for debugging purposes. (@mircobabini)

* ENHANCEMENT: Disabled the credit card options for the Stripe gateway. Instead, it now says "We accept all major credit cards". (@mircobabini)

* ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmpro_order_status_{status} hook that is fired whenever an order's status changes. Passes the $status, $order, and $original_status as params. (@JarryLong)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Added the pmpro_calculate_profile_start_date() function, which is used in all built-in gateways now. This fixes some issues with inconsistencies for subscriptions with multiple month billing periods. (@dparker1005, @messica)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now handling the subscr_failed IPN message for PayPal. This message is now sent sometimes instead of the "recurring_payment_skipped" one. (@andrewlimaza)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: The PayPal IPN handler is now treating "Voided", "Denied", and "Expired" payment statuses similar to "Failed". (@JarrydLong)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now requiring a name when adding/editing a level. (@JarrydLong)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updates to the level save logic to avoid some edge case issues. (@ideadude)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Removed some trailing commas in arrays that were breaking PHP 5.6 users. (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX: Fixed "No such product" bug that happened sometimes when checking out with Stripe. We catch this now and create the products when they are missing. (@dparker1005)

* REFACTOR: Removed update notice RE Better Login Reports being merged into core PMPro (which happened a few years ago). Now using the general deprecation notices RE old add ons. (@JarrydLong)

* REFACTOR: Refactored the MemberOrder class a bit to avoid PHP 8+ warnings. (@JarrydLong)

* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed typos in some block descriptions. #2064 (@mircobabini)

* BUG FIX: Fixed issue where the digest email cron and some others were running more often than intended. #2070 (@mircobabini)