* Fix - "Abort Reason" blocks user to proceed to checkout eventhough another shipping method available.
* Fix - "Per Order" label is still used after the calculation type is changed to "Class" type.
* Tweak - WC 6.3 and WP 5.9 compatibility.
* Fix - Excluding the /languages folder in composer.json file.
* Tweak - WC 5.9 compatibility.
* Fix - Min & max with zero value is not equal with empty.
* Fix - Translations are not being loaded.
* Fix - Fatal error on PHP 8.0 by replacing "%" with "%%".
* Fix - Incorrect shipping fee calculation with measurement price calculator product.
* Fix - "Abort Reason" warnings persist after shipping information is updated.
* Fix - "No class" shipping class being ignored where multiple shipping classes are declared.
* Fix - Fatal error on PHP 8.0 when using "%" for non formatting text.
* Fix - Rates does not display when table rate has multiple classes being set.
* Fix - Remove "including tax" in tooltips.
* Fix - Handling Fee field stepper incompatible with comma decimal separator.