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Log Update Item WooCommerce - One Page Checkout
This page only show history update item WooCommerce - One Page Checkout.

* Fix - Prevent ajax call if the add to cart ID cannot be found.

* Tweak - WC 7.3.0 compatibility.

Fix - Escape and sanitizing bugfixes.

* Tweak - WC 7.0.0 compatibility.

* Tweak - WP 6.1 compatibility.

* Fix - Declare compatibility with HPOS.

* Fix - Define Node version.

* Fix - Fix localization to use the 'woocommerce-one-page-checkout' domain.

Fix - Prevent errors showing up when the global $post variable is not available.

* Fix - Fix: Prevent layout shift of product table using a fixed width of the table cells.

* Tweak - WC 6.4 compatibility.

* Tweak - WP 6.0 compatibility.

* Fix - Compatibility fix for composer v2.2.0.

* Fix - Fix issues with editing product quantity in numeric text input.

* Fix - Avoid setting checkout context in admin pages and CRON/REST/AJAX requests. .

* Fix - Compatibility fix for composer v2.2.0.

* Tweak - WC 6.0.0 compatibility.

* Tweak - WP 5.8.2 compatibility.

* Fix - Enable indexing of pages containing the OPC shortcode.

* Tweak - WC 6.0.0 compatibility.

* Tweak - WP 5.8.2 compatibility.