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Log Update Item WooCommerce Product Bundles
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Product Bundles.

* Tweak - Improved support for the Min/Max Quantities 'Group of' feature.

* Tweak - Introduced client-side min/max/default quantity validation.

* Tweak - Introduced basic telemetry to collect data on extension usage when tracking is enabled.

* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered from calling product functions on string.

* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when invalidating order cache.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented bundled item and Bundle-Sells discounts with comma separated decimals from being saved.

* Important - WooCommerce version 3.9 is now required.

* Fix - Include minified frontend script files for the new Cart and Checkout blocks integration. 

* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered from invalid Exception arguments.

* Fix - Fix deprecation warning for 'is_admin_or_embed_page' in WooCommerce 6.3+.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented subscription plans from being applied to bundled order items when there were multiple Product Bundles in an order.

* Fix - Resolved an issue that caused optional bundled items to be preselected when re-ordering/switching.

* Fix - Prevent bundled item dimensions from showing up in the 'Additional Information' tab of assembled bundles.

* Fix - Added support for composited bundles when using the new Cart and Checkout blocks - requires Composite Products 8.4.0.

* Fix - Group bundled items in single 'Includes' meta when viewing the legacy mini cart.

* Fix - Appended list of bundled items next to composited container bundles in the cart widget.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented bundled item quantity inputs from appearing in bundles when object caching is enabled and bundle-sells are in use.

* Fix - Resolved an issue with missing 'checkout-blocks.css'.

* Fix - Resolved an issue that prevented bundles from being ordered again if one or more items is saved as optional after the original order is placed.

* Fix - Recalculate bundled item stock status when the 'Min Quantity', 'Filter Variations' or 'Optional' setting changes.

* Tweak - Made it possible to remove individual optional items that are part of an ungrouped bundle with mandatory items.

* Tweak - Move Composite Products integration module code into Product Bundles.

* Fix - Display the 'Additional Information' tab for unassembled Product Bundles with physical items.

* Tweak - Refactored 'WC_Product_Bundle::apply_subs_price_html' and introduced 'WC_Product_Bundle::apply_subs_calculate_price_data' which can be used to update Bundle structured product data to include subscription prices.

* Tweak - Use new WooCommerce brand colors.

* Fix - Fixed issue that prevented Bundle-Sells from being imported via the REST API.

* Fix - Fixed an issue where override title setting was not respected when manually adding items to an order in admin.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that made Bundle-Sells use inaccurate display settings.

* Fix - Fixed warnings triggered by using deprecated 'is_ajax'. Replaced with 'wp_doing_ajax' for WooCommerce v6.1+.

Fix - Change price filters priority to retain compatibility with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions.

* Feature - Support bundle sells in REST API.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented stock statuses from showing up under 'Analytics > Bundles'.

* Fix - Fixed an edge-case issue with removing ungrouped bundles that include hidden items.

* Fix - Prevent bundled item inventory from being reduced when adding non-configurable bundles to orders manually.