# NEW - WordPress 6.0 compatibility
# NEW - Added typography control for blockquotes
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Featured Entries query argument filter added
# Improved - WooCommerce templates updated
# Improved - Refactored SASS files to use the Dart Sass version
# Fixed - Not all single post templates support both modification and publication dates
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: "See the full version os this page" link doesn't work
# Fixed - bbPress plugin integration: schema.org error on the reply page
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: WooCommerce broken dependency for Shoppable Image
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Reply to list item comment
# Fixed - Snax plugin: password wrong encoding
# Fixed - Snax plugin: required parameter follows optional parameter
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: the GIF picker overlaps posts below
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: wrong translation
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: wrong translation
# Fixed - The dropdown container for the home filters overlaps posts below
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities
# Fixed - Minor PHP fixes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Personality quiz type broken
# Fixed - Snax plugin: empty quiz settings not saved
# NEW - WordPress 5.9 compatibility
# NEW - Snax plugin: quiz explanations
# NEW - Snax plugin: quiz global settings
# NEW - Snax plugin: scroll to the next question
# NEW - WP Rocket integration (for Critical CSS)
# Improved - Snax plugin: filters added to allow changing report mail title/body
# Improved - Mailchimp For WordPress plugin integration: new filter to turn off form sending via ajax
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Documentation updated
# Fixed - Home Filters don't work if Front Page is set to A static page
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: Vignette ad slot for AdSense
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: wrong sort order (compared as strings)
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: guest voting
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: wrong scores when up/down scores hidden
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: GIFs picker obscured by other elements
# Fixed - Download Monitor plugin integration: logo is missing on the Download page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Sticky widget has wrong offset on a quiz using "Let's Start" button
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Teaser widget styles in prefooter/footer
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: review avatar misaligned
# Fixed - Missing translations
# Fixed - Minor template warnings
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities
# Fixed - Minor PHP fixes
Created | 11-10-2019 |
Updated | 16-06-2023 |
Catégorie | WordPress |
Theme Type | NULLED |
Taille du fichier | 113.82 MB |
Commentaires | 0 |
Vues | 4942 |
Ventes | 2 |
Downloaded | 5 |