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BuddyBoss Platform Theme - V2.0.7

Version: 2.0.7

Item cover for download BuddyBoss Platform Theme


Item description
Sell memberships, courses, and build online communities.
We make it easy for you to build on WordPress, the World’s #1 open source platform, giving you the flexibility, control and freedom you need, to create a successful online platform.
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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
06 Aug 2022 - Version 2.0.7

* Notifications - Handled Activity comment auto-generated notification incorrect text issue

* Forums - Handled small Forums widget issue shows wrong discussion count

* Activity - Handled activity comment @mention issue gets converted into HTML markup on post

* Media - Handled document upload double extension issue on document directory screen

* Media - Handled symlink option gets enabled issue when activity settings updated

* Media - Small improvement to fix console JS error when video popup is closed

* Messages - Handled private messages right click and paste action issue, adds duplicate copies from the clipboard

* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons

* REST API - Handled get activity videos API endpoint issue

* Compatibility - Handled 'GeoDirectory' broken listing layout compatibility issue

23 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.6

* Forums - Handled forum reply notification wrong pagination URL issue

* Activity - Handled activity modal @mention RTL language support issue

* Profiles - Handled other member's profile sub-tabs taking to logged-in members profile tabs issue

* Profiles - Handled activate account issue when registration is disabled

* Profiles - Small improvement to show 'See all' for the 'Recently Active Members' widget

* Groups - Handled HTML tags not working issue for group description

* Groups - Handled Group videos not showing issues for non-logged-in members

* Groups - Handled 'Enable Album in groups' option not working issue

* Media - Handled issue for moving photos into album action and not creating separate activity

* Media - Handled upload/delete photos action not updating count issue in profile and directory page

* Media - Handled edit privacy dropdown issue on documents directory screen

* Messages - Handled messages thread UI issue when switching between multiple threads quickly

* Network Search - Handled search results not showing issue even when search string exists in repeater fieldsets value

* Network Search - Handled search results pagination issue for blog posts and pages

* Core - Updated styling for toolbars and pickers across all content types editor

* Core - Handled a bunch of styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates

* Core - Small improvement to not close modal on discard draft for Activity, Forum discussion, and Forum replies

* REST API - Handled member connections cache purge not working issue

* REST API - Small notification endpoint improvement to redirect to specific reply considering pagination

* REST API - Handled wrong API response for discussion replies when discussion created in the admin dashboard

* REST API - Handled members endpoint critical issue when activity component is not active

* LearnDash - Handled js conflict on edit course screen when there are a huge number of members in the network

* LearnDash - Handled Learndash Group slug update issue on plugin activation

* WPML - Handled Social Groups tabs not working issue when switched to a different language

10 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.5

* Groups - Handled Group Parent settings removed issue when member deleted from the parent group

* Groups - Handled Group permission issue allowing members with no access to post activity

* Forums - Handled forum [bbp-search] shortcode not showing issue

* Forums - Handled Forum discussion tags getting deleted issue on reply update

* Activity - Handled Activity form text color issue when @mention added and removed

* Activity - Small improvement to show user-friendly validation message from dropzone uploader

* Activity - Small improvement to restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity

* Activity - Handled post types auto-generated activity long comment read more issue 

* Media - Handled symlink not working issue on private page excluded URL for non-logged-in member

* Media - Handled media upload not showing thumbnail issue for media size more than 10MB

* Media - Handled media popup layout issue for a specific set of device sizes

* Messages - Handled iPhone device message thread UX issue

* Network Search - Provided support to search members by email id

* Core - Handled a bunch of important styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates

* Core - Small layout improvement for popup in the admin Dashboard

* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons

* Core - Handled critical issue on fresh Platform plugin installation

* Coding Standards - Code Refactoring replacing wp_parse_args functions with custom

* Coding Standards - Code refactoring to support different notification types for custom development

* REST API - Group Document cannot be renamed if the same file is uploaded more then once

* REST API - Restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity in the API

* REST API - Handled read more issue for blog posts auto-generated activity in the API

10 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.5

* Theme Options - Handled maintenance mode shows blank screen issue for administrator

* Theme Options - Small improvement for widgets to allow Footer 6th Column sidebar

* Styling - Handled a bunch of important styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates

* Menus - Handled custom icons not working issue for different display locations

* Forums - Handled Forum discussion tag getting deleted issue on reply update

* Forums - Handled forum [bbp-search] shortdcode UI issues

* Activity - Handled Post activity not working UX issue without refresh

* Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons

* Core - Handled critical issue on Theme activation when 'BuddyBoss Platform' plugin is not active

* LearnDash - Handled Dark Mode styling issues for Lessons, Topics, and Quizzes

* Events Calendar Pro - Handled colors CSS conflicts

* Compatibility - Handled WooCommerce Membership and Elementor plugins conflict

* Compatibility - Handled minor UX issue of page scrolling on submitting Gravity Forms

* Compatibility - Handled conflict with TranslatePress on the Course page when switching to different languages

30 Mar 2022 - Version 1.9.2

* Profiles - Handled critical issue in Profile when forum component not enabled

* Groups - Handled group invitation screen UI issue in profile

* Groups - Handled memory issue for a non-logged-in member for group with a large number of invitations

* Groups - Handled hidden group activity privacy issue

* Activity - Handled activity form, privacy selection issue

* Media - Handled photo and document update privacy issue in the popup

* Performance - Improved @mention performance to query for right usernames on page and post

* REST API - Small improvement in group details API endpoint

* REST API - Handled message API caching issue

* Compatibility - Handled WordPress 5.8 compatibility issue on save profile action

Note for Buyer
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  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
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  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
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Created 21-11-2019
Updated 06-08-2022
Catégorie Themes
Taille du fichier 13.30 MB
Commentaires 0
Vues 4838
Ventes 1
Downloaded 3