Item description
WC Vendors WooCommerce Bookings integrates WooCommerce Bookings into WC Vendors Pro. Allow your vendors to create and sell bookable products such as hotel rooms, gym sessions, consultations, equipment rentals and more. Note: Bookings can never work in Free due to the nature of how they are coded. Requires Pro. This plugin requires the following products to function.
WooCommerce v3.0.0+ ( free)
WC Vendors v1.9.10+ (free)
WC Vendors Pro v1.4.0+
WooCommerce Bookings version 1.9.x (Purchased @
Vendors will be able to create bookable products. This includes defining duration, costs, resources, people, calendar display and more. Vendors can manage their resources and their bookings.
Bookings Management in the Pro Dashboard

Add bookable products
Define duration blocks
Require confirmation and allow cancellation
Define availability
Define costs
Allow resources and persons as bookable
Manage Resources
Manage bookings
Update relevant information for bookings
View bookings calendar in month and day view
Vendors are notified via email of new bookings (email template provided)
More features are available based on the underlying functionality of WooCommerce Bookings. Purchase Note: Vendors CANNOT create manual bookings as this would require vendors to have access to the entire marketplaces customer list, including customers that aren’t theirs. This is a security issue and it was decided by design to not provide this functionality within the integration. Please note: WooCommerce Bookings limits carts and checkout to a single bookable product so only one booking will be in an order at any one time. This is a feature of WooCommerce Bookings and has nothing to do with how our integration works.