* Fix: Fix a notice coming from content restriction function
* Fix: Typo in back-end form fields select
* Fix: Issue with Admin Approval email link not being able to approve users
* Fix: Translation issue with missing placeholder for the german files from the plugin
* Fix: Admin Approval email link showing html characters when the invalid message was being displayed
* Misc: Don't wrap content restriction messages in spans at save
* Misc: Password strength to respect the back-end weak password checkbox
* Misc: Mobile display improvements
* Misc: Execute shortcodes in the conten of the compare shortcode
* Misc: Order users by display name in the Edit Other Users Dropdown
* Fix: Sanitize form field titles and descriptions
* Fix: Issue with simple upload field not working when used on the WooCommerce Checkout page
* Fix: Issue with Select2 not working in Repeater fields
* Misc: Improve back-end compatibility with other plugins that use Select2
* Misc: Add width and height for password visibility image
* Fix: issue with back-end Users with unconfirmed emails page
* Misc: remove unnecessary code
* Misc: sanitize outputted register sucesss message
* Feature: login users automatically after a password reset. Can be activated from the Advanced Settings -> Forms tab
* Fix: notice when deleting a labels edit add-on entry
* Fix: issue with Labels Edit page not refreshing after an import
* Fix: compatibility issue between Stripe and Invisible reCaptcha
* Misc: corrected a notice relating to PHP 8
* Added more security improvements
Fixed some security issues
* Fix: compatibility issue with MailPoet where our menu was showing different items when opened from their pages
* Fix: issue with Select2 not working correctly in the back-end due to to some compatibility issues
* Fix: case where the password visibility feature was not working
* Fix: issue with admin approval status not being removed on bulk delete users
* Misc: Added an User ID default sorting option for Userlistings
* Feature: add support for automatically login after email confirmation
* Fix: for admin defined strings which have WPML support. They are now registered in the default site language instead of always being registered in english
* Fix: issue with Avatar simple upload field not saving the file after Email Confirmation
* Fix: for EPAA add-on to work correctly for WYSIWYG fields
* Fix: PHP 8 compatibility for Userlisting pagination
* Misc: prefill user role names in Conditinal Rules when they are based on the User Role field
* Fix: a notice regarding wp.passwordStrength.userInputBlacklist()
* Fix: default focus not working anymore on add new fields select2
* Fix: Issue with email field getting disabled in registration when using the Change Email Confirmation option
* Fix: a security issue regarding the Email Confirmation fallback landing page. Thanks to Chloe Chamberland
* Fix: make sure email change request UI only appears on edit profile forms
* Fix: pass referer url as get parameter when content is restricted with a redirect
* Fix: issue with an advanced setting hiding the Social Connect buttons from the login form
* Fix: recaptcha compatibility issue with PMS when Stripe was in the form but not selected as a gateway
* Fix: restricted the settings import functions to administrators
* Misc: Userlisting pagination to work correctly if pretty permalinks are not used
* Feature: Added an option to request Email Confirmation from the user when he changes his email address from the edit profile form. Can be activated from Advanced Settings
* Fix: A notice regarding the Email Confirmation table that appeared in some cases
* Fix: A bug user status bug when both Admin Approval and Email Confirmation were active
* Fix: An issue with the Userlisting map feature where it was trying to center the map without markers
* Misc: Select Multiple Facet type is now using Select2