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Log Update Item WooCommerce Bookings
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Bookings.

Fix - Resolves a packaging problem with our Google API library.

* Fix - Calendars show correct availability when multiple bookable products are on the same page.

* Fix - Namespacing of Google API package classes.

* Tweak - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" from 7.2.2 to 7.3.

* Tweak - Bump tested up to WordPress version 6.1.

* Fix - All time ranges should be checked before marking any block unbookable.

* Fix - Ensure maximum number of person type not allowed to exceed Max Persons setting.

* Fix - Hide products from the `/slot` endpoint if their catalog visibility is set to `hidden`.

* Fix - Make calendar popup and booking details popup WP 6.1 compatible.

* Fix - Show booking details on the booking details admin page if it does not have an order.

* Fix - Prevent bookings and display end-times in unavailable times on another day.

* Fix - Resource cost not included in booking cost when `=` used in booking cost ranges.

* Tweak - Bump minimum WooCommerce version from 2.6 to 6.0.

* Tweak - Prevent unneeded ajax calls to wc_bookings_calculate_costs to improve performance.

* Tweak - Set minimum PHP version to 7.0.

* Tweak - Set minimum WordPress version to 5.6.

* Add - Provision to apply 'Booking Person Discount' from admin dashboard.

* Fix - "Min persons" setting is not working when Booking is added manually from admin.

* Fix - Booking availability for bookable products with resources.

* Fix - Changing booking status or date/time moves the booking to the last line item in the order.

* Fix - Improvements to admin side calendar view.

* Fix - Slot range checked to be inside the rule range for an hour and minute durations.

* Tweak - Skip array value booking metadata during sync booking with GCal.

* Update - Change keypress event to keyup.

* Update - Lock the `google/apiclient-services` to v0.181.0.

Add - Bookings Helper integration (Export button on a product page).

Tweak - Removed unwanted legacy code related to overriding block cost.

* Tweak - Deprecated "woocommerce_bookings_process_cost_rules_override_block" filter hook.

* Tweak - WC 6.8.0 compatibility.

Fix - The View booking link does not exist on the edit order page.

* Fix - Booking slot remaining count does not appear if Time zone is set to 'Display visitor's local time'.

* Fix - Bookings list API results count inconsistent.

* Fix - Ensure that you can force delete a Booking through the REST API.

* Fix - Fix Google Calendar event blocks off all product availability.

* Fix - Fix/2863 "Past days" detected properly.

* Fix - Fixes - Select date error message is shown after changes to resource selection in frontend.

* Fix - Minimum block bookable isn't being respected in Slots API.

* Fix - New Booking emails don't respect text saved in email settings.

* Fix - Show display price only when base price exists.