* Bug Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of Fatal error Class 'Elementor\Scheme_Color' not found - Elementor
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of content not loading when Ele Custom Skin is active - Elementor
* Resolved the issue of Fatal error AMP_ET_Builder_Module_Bar_Counters_Item - Divi
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of critical error - Avada
* Resolved the issue of validation error due to css exceeding the limit - Oxygen
* Resolved the issue of Theme builder Frontpage content not rendering - Elementor
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of table of contents not working properly - Elementor
* Resolved the issue of CSS loading twice on Woocommerce product page - FlastSome( UX Builder )
* Resolved the issue of AMP WC layout not loading on product category page - Divi
* Resolved the issue of Images not loading - Divi
* Resolved the issue of JetEngine single content not loading - Elementor
* Bug Fixed: =
* Banner module not showing content - FlastSome( UX Builder )
* Feature Added: =
* Added Compatibility with Woo Gallery module - Divi
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of conflict with template lists of saved Elementor template - Elementor
* Resolved the issue of Post/Page CSS not loading - Elementor
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Elementor Pro module's content not loading from AMP - Elementor
* Product module showing validation error - Divi
* Feature Added: =
* Added Compatibility with Themebuilder Header and footer - Beaver
* Bug Fixed: =
* Tree shaking not working - Beaver
* Bug Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of Critical error - Elementor
* Bug Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of Fatal error if we use Contact form module - Divi