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Log Update Item If-So - Dynamic Content Pro
This page only show history update item If-So - Dynamic Content Pro.

* Compatibility with various cookie consent plugins and systems was added: Cookiebot, Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA(hu-compliance), Complianz.

* [ifso-show-post] shortcode - Improved the shortcode while using WPBakery and Divi posts(templates). Adding the attributes type="WPB" or type="divi" to make sure the post content loads correctly.

* WP filters for content resulting from rendering triggers/widgets were added: apply_filters( 'ifso_standalone_condition_content', string $content ), apply_filters('ifso_shortcode_content',string $content, array $atts).

* [ifso-audience] shortcode - added ability to add/remove users from audiences based on query strings, either by using a URL param value as audience name or a condition to determine whether the user should be added/removed:

    [ifso-audience type='add' from='query' param='myparam'] - will add the user to the group, whose name is the value of the "myparam" querystring parameter. default value for param is "ifso_audience".

    [ifso-audience type='remove' from='query-condition' param='myparam' param_value='my-remove-parameter' audience='group1'] - will only remove the user from group "group1" if the "myparam" query string value equals "my-remove-parameter".

* [ifsoDKI] shortcode - added "before" and "after" attrs that allow injecting text around the content while dynamic content is displayed(not fallback).

* [ifsoDKI] shortcode - added "persist" attr for query-string DKI - to show content when the user browses other pages, even if the query string is not present anymore(during tone session).

* Edit Trigger page - UI improvements.

* SEO plugins compatibility - Allow using If-So shortcodes in the title and meta desc fields of YOAST and Rank Math.

* New feature - find (scan for) If-So shortcodes on posts and pages' main content field

* Added ability to exclude specific users from geolocation based on cookie or their IP,  using a new wp filter:

    apply_filters('ifso_exclude_from_geo',array $excluded)   $excluded array format : ['cookie'=>['exclude_from_geo'],'ip'=>[]]

* New condition - post category (works also on custom taxonomies and terms)

* Elementor trigger element - added "Load with ajax" option

* If-So content loaded via ajax - improve compatibility with page builder content by making sure the js code within it runs in the global scope

* Bug fixes and performance improvements

* Dynamic Keyword Insertion - an option to load the shortcodes with Ajax was added (add the parameter ajax="yes" to the shortcode)

* Trigger Events extension compatibility - support the option to load triggers above the header on all pages (through the plugin's settings)

* Bug fixes 

Bug fixes - Elementor triggers widget not displaying content in some cases 

* Conditional Gutenberg blocks - added the option to target multiple locations/pages visited in a single condition

* Conditional Elementor elements (integration)- added compatibility to support the option to target multiple locations/pages visited in a single condition

* Added the option to log geolocation requests for debugging

* New Ajax loader animation - show the default content until the dynamic version loads using Ajax

* Global ifso() function now allows 2 additional parameters, making its signature ifso($id,$atts=null,$return=false), where $atts is an array of attributes that can be passed to the if-so shortcode and $return is a boolean, which determines whether the function echoes or returns the result of the trigger

* Added ability to load if-so shortcodes with "name" parameter instead of "id"(uses trigger title) - THE OPTION HEARTS LOADING TIMES - USE THE TRIGGER ID UNLESS YOU HAVE A REASON NOT TO

* New DKI shortcode option, to display the user's IP : [ifsoDKI type='ip']

* UI improvements

* Geolocation service now supports IPV6 addresses

* Added filter to allow users to set alternative IP detection - "ifso_user_ip"

* Bug fixes

Bug fixes

* Added shortcode that sets/deletes a cookie value <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more.</a>

* Cloudflare Compatibility - The geolocation condition works with Cloudflare without having to use our Cloudflare integration

* Divi modules compatibility improvements while loading content with Ajax

* Page Caching Compatibility improvements - the referrer source condition is compatible with the Page Caching Compatibility (ajax) option

* Gutenberg standalone conditions - fix conflict with jetpack contact form

* Gutenberg standalone conditions - fix bug where the block inserter wasn't appearing when hovering between blocks

* Bugfix - Removed calls to dysfunctional updater -  fixed bug which  caused an  "update  available" message  to  be shown

* Bugfix - Audiences - fixed the handling of names with "special characters"

* The recurrence option was added to the user role condition

* An option to disable the use of sessions was added to the settings (do not disable the sessions if you are using the geolocation condition)

* Audience self-selection shortcode generator was added the audience page

* added  the ability to defer the loading of  if-so triggers   via  ajax  (by adding the parameter defer="true" to the trigger's shortcode)

* Added new option to disable the number of visit count cookie to the settings

* Bugsfix - import triggers  - fixed  newlines being replaced  with "rn"

* bugsfix - TinyMCE ediotr was reverted to HTML mode while dragging a version

* Security fix (Ajax vulnerability)