Add strike through in project discussions
Add badges in leads profile tabs for tasks, proposals, notes, attachments.
Added ability to specify redirect URL after submission for web to lead and estimate request forms.
Add option to set project name when copying the project.
Updated: Task comment WYSIWYG editor will stick while scrolling.
Updated: Ensure tasks modal does not close on outside click when typing comment.
Updated: Uploaded project files will be renamed with unique hash.
Updated: Ticket CC will be remembered when ticket is imported via pipe or IMAP.
Updated: Zoom allowed on mobile devices.
Fix calendar buttons goes out of the container small screens.
Fix tasks not visible on tasks table in client area.
Fix msg91 DLT Template ID.
Fix estimate to project convert task date format causing 500 error.
Fix task change hook not fired when task updated.
Fix statement filename does not contain the extension.
Fix credit applied to draft invoice adds invalid invoice number.
Fix checklist progress bar color when progress is 0%.