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Log Update Item BeTheme - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item BeTheme - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme.
New features
  • Wraps - Entrance animations
  • Responsive - Section background video on mobile devices
  • WordPress 6.2 Compatibility - get_page_by_title() deprecated
  • BeBuilder - Category select field - Include empty taxonomies
  • BeBuilder - Visibility: Hide for Everyone - Hide all Edit with BeBuilder links
  • BeBuilder - Elements - Custom presets not stored Issue #68165
  • Header Builder - Menu element - Option to Fold last 2 submenus to the left
  • Templates - Query Loop - Dynamic data {title} tag
  • Shop - Single product - Product image disappears on hover if it is too smallIssue #68213
  • Shop - Archives - Sticky sidebar position if Store notice is enabledIssue #68169
  • Off-canvas sidebar - Sidebar icon on desktop
  • Map Basic element - Advanced - Border radius
  • Admin panel - Pages list - Hide unwanted '_be_setup_wizard_demo' page
  • Pre-built websites - Database reset - Deleting of menus fails if the database prefix is changed
  • WPML plugin - Shop - Side Cart - Cart title
  • WPML plugin - Live search - Option to search in current language onlyIssue #68239
New features
  • Entrance animations - Delay attribute
  • New Google Fonts - 1482 fonts available
  • Elementor - Blog widget - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to set number of clients per slide
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to scroll one client at a time
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Navigation arrows position option
  • Loop Builder - Post type change when there are many Query loops on single page
  • Loop Builder - Wrap loop - Enable query loop on empty wrap - Refresh query after element adding
  • Loop Builder - Section loop - Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background
  • BeBuilder content overlapping header submenus - Incorrect z-index removed Issue #67227
  • Header and Footer Templates on password protected pages
  • Column text element - HTML tags with inline styles - Element preview
  • The Events Calendar plugin - Default plugin CSS styles
New features
  • Blog element - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
  • Setup Wizard - Setup stucks at last stepIssue #65649
  • Templates: Header - Once set, the exclusion condition cannot be turned off
  • Header - Cart icon with when price has additional text e.g., Excl. VAT
  • Header Builder - My account - Login form - Duplicated form
  • Shop - Side Cart - Cart icon link
  • Sticky wrap - Bouncing entrance animationIssue #65649
  • Blog - Server error 500 if more than 10000 WordPress users are registeredIssue #223779
  • Under Construction page - Countdown - Missing JS file
  • Under Construction page - Text logo
New features
  • Icon Box element - Label - Color and typography options
  • Progress icons shortcode - Option to set color icons and transparent background
  • WordPress 6.1 Compatibility
  • Isotope filters - Proper width of items and horizontal alignment of them
  • Theme Options - Color field - Update colorpicker only when full length HEX or RGBA is enteredIssue #65661
New features
  • Global sections - Import/export sections between pages
  • Shop - Products list - Layout: Masonry - Missing JS code
  • WPML plugin - Templates - Conditions: Exclude
New features
  • Performance: Lazy load images. Check option →
  • Heading element - New HTML tags added: p, div i span
  • Blog slider element - Option to show post excerpt
  • RTL - BeBuilder Blocks - Wraps and elements are arranged as on the frontend
  • Templates: Shop - Template conditions - Include/Exclude category
  • Templates: Header + Shop: Single product - Breadcrumbs - Missing categoriesIssue #65548
  • BeBuilder - Pricing Item element - Typography issueIssue #65395
  • BeBuilder - Get attachment data for scaled imagesIssue #65515
  • BeBuilder - Logo element - Image alt tag
  • Galleries inserted using the Wordpress block editor - Lightbox
  • Fonts - Font Family - System font
  • CSS - Google fonts with spaces in their name are not quoted
  • Pre-built websites - Import demo data for pre-built websites without plugins
  • Pre-built websites - Import demo data on servers which returns 500 code on timeout
  • RTL - Betheme Dashboard
  • Performance: Load only the JS files that are currently used on the page