- New: When the frm_inline_submit class is added to custom Submit Button HTML if frm_inline_form is missing from the form it will now be automatically added to allow for the submit button to become inline.
- Fix: Many Formidable addons were not properly displaying update details from the plugins page.
- Fix: Fewer API requests will be sent to Formidable when inbox notice cached results expire and when a request results in an error.
- Fix: Added additional validation to CSV export so it fails more gracefully when the form does not exist.
- Fix: The style setting for Margin under Field Settings as been renamed to Bottom Margin to avoid confusion as it only updates one margin value.
- Security: Improved how data is sanitized when previewing in the style manager.
- Fix: Prevent a warning when trying to get inbox messages from the API when no messages are being returned.
- Fix: The frm_alignright class was being stripped in the form builder, preventing the right alignment from appearing in the back end.
- Fix: The frm_alignright class was causing fields to shift to the wrong row. The style definition has been updated so it will stay in the same row as other fields.
- Fix: Required messages were not properly appearing for empty radio buttons when an other option was selected but left empty and JavaScript validation was on.
* Deprecated the option to disable CSS Grids in form layouts.
* Fix: JavaScript validation was failing to validate for many fields with custom patterns because extra conflicting HTML was sometimes being added to the check.
* Fix: Field dropdowns are now more accessible and it should be easier to delete and duplicate fields with a screen reader.
* Fix: Updated form padding on admin page so forms with custom padding don't appear small in the back end.