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Log Update Item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor
This page only show history update item Premium Addons PRO for Elementor.

- Tweak: Save all the plugin settings on change without need to click "Save Settings" button.

- Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.4.

- Fixed: Trustpilot Reviews widget not working for some businesses.

- Fixed: Snappy scroll stability issues in Horizontal Scroll issues.

- Fixed: Compatibility issues between Elementor custom breakpoints and Horizontal Scroll widget.

- Tweak: iHover widget code refactored for faster editing speed..

- Tweak: Added Image Hover Effect in Image Layers widget.

- Tweak: Added compatibility between Multiscroll widget and sticky headers.

- Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns.

- Fixed: Premium Particles not working on some devices in editor page.

- Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns.

- Fixed: Content is not fully rendered issue in Unfold widget.

- Fixed: Removed Unnecessary requests made in Instagram Feed widget.

- Fixed: Hide Slide On and Disable Horizontal Scroll On options not working togethr in Horizontal Scroll widget.

- Fixed: Carousel not working in Facebook Feed widget when `Only Show Admin Posts` option is enabled.

- Fixed: Fold Height option not working when set to `0` in Unfold widget.

- Fixed: Console error in Multi Scroll widget.

- Fixed: Admin notices not showing when Premium Addons for Elementor is not installed.

- Tweak: JS code refactored for better performance and faster editing speed.

- Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.2.

- Fixed: Emojis not showing in Twitter Feed widget.

- Fixed: Slides overlapping issue on touch devices in Horizontal Scroll widget.

- Fixed: Image Hotspots colors not working in editor page.

- New: Added Advanced Border Radius option to improve the normal Border Radius option - [here](

- Fixed: Particles overlapping issue when browser active tab is changed.

- Fixed: Alignment controls icons not showing in editor panel.

- Fixed: Tabs widget style conflict with LearnDash plugin.

- Tweak: Added `Change Tabs to Accordion On Small Screens` option in Tabs widget.

- Tweak: Improved compatibility with Elementor new version.