- [Improvement]: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 applied.
- [Fix]: Sticky Fixing the issue with header options if optimized dom feature of elementor is enabled.
- [New]: Copy animation button added to Elementor context menu to copy and paste animations across elements.
- [Fix]: Deprecated notices of new version of Elementor fixed.
- [Improvement]: Improvements in author page of custom post types applied.
- [Improvement]: Counter element now supports float numbers as well.
- [New]: Pagination option added to Product elements and widgets.
- [New]: Depicter slider plugin is integrated and bundled in recommended plugins.
- [Improvement]: Improvements applied to demo importer.
- [Fix]: An issue with "Offset" option in "Advanced product" element fixed.
- [Fix]: Ab bug with shopping cart position fixed.
- [Fix]: An issue with scrolling the page to review section of products fixed.