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Log Update Item WPMU DEV WP Smush Pro - WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item WPMU DEV WP Smush Pro - WordPress Plugin.

Enhance: White label support

Fix: Code and stability improvements

- New: Option to compress uploaded images

- New: Option to disable WordPress scaled images

- New: Compressing uploaded and backups are now free for all users

- Enhance: Detect and warn about other potentially conflicting lazy load plugins

- Fix: Deprecated jQuery deprecated warnings

- Fix: CDN 'wp_smush_cdn_before_process_src' filter

- Fix: Remove HTML markup in Local WebP wizard

- Fix: PHP Fatal error - cannot use object of type stdClass as array

- Fix: PHP warnings when optimization fails via WP CLI

- Fix: Missing CDN upsell meta box

- Fix: Ignored images not being skipped from image re-check process

- New: Wizard for setting up the local WebP conversion

- Enhance: Wrong tooltip title showing up on configs on hover

- Enhance: WPBakery detection when the base directory is custom named

- Fix: CDN status not getting updated when enabling the CDN via configs

- Fix: Local WebP rules path getting truncated in some environments

- Fix: WooCommerce gallery thumbnails not being served from the CDN

- Fix: Failing to restore PNG images that were converted to JPG

- Fix: "Save" button on the Bulk Smush page changing its size when saving

- Fix: Some options not being removed on uninstall

- Fix: Image size names overflowing their container in the Gutenberg blocks stats table

- New: Allow serving locally stored WebP images through the CDN

- New: Allow excluding WebP from the media types to lazy load

- New: Add a widget for handling configs to the Dashboard page

- New: WP CLI will now properly detect and convert images to WebP

- Enhance: Prevent uploading config files across plugins

- Enhance: Whitelabel support

- Enhance: Lazy load integration with Divi theme

- Enhance: Lazy load integration with GiveWP donation form

- Enhance: Redirect to module page after activating on the dashboard

- Fix: Local Webp says that the Amazon S3 integration is enabled although it's not

- Fix: Images not loading in embedded posts and pages when lazy load is enabled

- Fix: Replace WP_SMUSH_API_TIMEOUT by the correct constant WP_SMUSH_TIMEOUT in error messages

- Fix: Bulk Smush progress not starting from zero after a Smushing took place

- Fix: Images without Smush backups being included in the bulk-restore list

- Fix: Lazy load parsing issue with forums AJAX requests from BuddyBoss

- Fix: Disable CDN on WPMU DEV hosting staging sites

- Fix: Configs in the free version not syncing with the Hub