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Log Update Item Modern Events Calendar - Responsive Event Scheduler & Booking For WordPress
This page only show history update item Modern Events Calendar - Responsive Event Scheduler & Booking For WordPress.

- Added: Ability to cancel a certain occurrence using the “Edit Per Occurrence” feature.

- Added: Opening hour field to the location system.

- Added: Attendee name and ticket back to the form step of booking module.

- Added: Display ongoing option to some skins.

- Added: Ability to upload images using WordPress media library in gallery module when the user has appropriate access.

- Improved: Billing information of stripe payment gateway.

- Improved: The title of archive pages.

- Improved: Edit Per Occurrence feature.

- Improved: The HTML structure of minimal style of list skin.

- Fixed: Issue in booking module of ongoing events.

- Fixed: Issue in gallery module when loaded in modal window.

- Fixed: Issue in advanced repeating events.

- Fixed: Issue in displaying details page of ongoing events.

- Fixed: Issue in displaying events in category pages.

- Fixed: Issue in field data mapping after booking.

- Fixed: Some issue in WC payment gateway.

- Fixed: Some issues regarding PHP8.

- Fixed: Some issues in countdown skin.

- Fixed: Issue in displaying filter options in shortcodes.

- Fixed: Issue in importing events using .ics format.

- Fixed: Filtering issue when filtering by month and year dropdown.

- Fixed: Many PHP 8 issues.

- Fixed: Issue in refund process.