* Add - Support for WooCommerce email templates for Ticket notifications.
* Tweak - WC 7.5.0 compatibility.
* Fix - Error when exporting a ticket which was created without an order.
* Fix - Placeholder `{ticket_id}` and `{barcode}` links do not add placeholder to editor.
* Add - Ability to filter tickets by checked-in status.
* Add - Ensure checkin-in status is added to the export data.
* Fix - Broken images in email preview.
* Fix - Ensure that creating a ticket for an existing completed order reduces the ticket stock.
* Fixed - Incorrect radio button selection on qty update.
Fix - Issue with Twitter ticket fields populating correctly on tickets.
* Add - Coupon code column to attendee export CSV file.
* Fix - Broken email formatting.
* Fix - Default subject added for ticket confirmation email.
* Fix - Ensure custom ticket prefix is used on order details page and emails.
* Fix - No email address is set as 'reply-to'.
* Fix - Update ticket list description to avoid confusion.
* Fix - Updated the description for "Disable Ticket Editing" checkbox.
* Fix - WooCommerce not showing messages in My Ticket page.
* Tweak - Include variation details in ticket title of email/print ticket.
* Update - Ensure tickets can be exported from specific variation.
* Fixed - Deprecation notice.
* Fixed: Add better validation for required ticket fields.
* Fixed: Ensure that auto-fill works as expected for guest users.
* Fixed: Ensure when a checkbox field is required the validation doesn't require all options to be checked.
* Tweak - WC 6.7.0 compatibility.