bug fix: fixed the wrong post intro in editor mode
-bug fix: fixed error message on remote widgets
-bug fix: fixed css in post content in editor
-bug fix: use better strip tags for post intro
-feature: done the functionality for sync widgets
-feature: done the functionality remote widgets
-bug fix: fixed gutenberg support in widgets
-bug fix: fixed all the pagination issues in archive page
-bug fix: fixed some load more last issues
-feature: added code for taxonomy terms filter
-feature: added code for checkbox filter
-feature: added troubleshooting setting - show php error message
-bug fix: fixed mb_string absence php bug
-bug fix: fixed heading attribute label
-bug fix: fixed responsive elementor controls in widget items
-feature: added px, vh, % options for slider attribute
-feature: added dynamic group attributes for galleries, including image and video
-feature: added option to convert one date string to another with ucdate filter
-feature: added option to use items in background widgets
-feature: added ucfunc("set") and ucfunc("get") functions in twig for remember and retrieve variables
-feature: added include by option: "children of current term" to category selection options
-feature: added option to pull woo product variations in twig
-bug fix: fixed error when exists dynamic link in dynamic loop widgets
-bug fix: enabled pagination in a single type in dynamic template grid
-feature: added placeholder: link_withprefix, link_noprefix for link attribute
-bug fix: the "not equal" attributes condition now works
-bug fix: fixed not editable empty dropdown attribute in widget editor
-feature: added json select (lottie) for image attribute type
-feature: made option for ajax in widgets with post list attribute
-feature: made the ajax pagination work with pagination widget
-change: added more types of debug for pagination widget
-bug fix: fixed import with template button dissapear in the new bar
-bug fix: fixed widgets icons
-change: changed widget icons chooser for elementor icon instead of font awesome icon
-feature: added dynamic options for number and slider attribute types
-feature: added new owl carousel sources in assets chooser
-feature: added heading attribute
-bug fix: fixed some test widgets output relate bugs
-feature: added option to change items section label
-feature: added js snippet with code that works in elementor popup
-bug fix: conditions settings was not affected typography controls
-feature: added option to add {current_user_id} keyword in post meta query
-feature: added option for block label inside each attribute
-feature: added heading text option for items section
-change: added some instructions for api connectivity test in general settings - troubleshooting
-feature: added extra fields to image base gallery options
-feature: added php filter option for variable
-feature: added twig functions "get_post_term" and "is_post_has_term". The examples visible when you click on item.posts.putPostTerm placeholder
-bug fix: fixed template dynamic background image didn't displayed bug in dynamic loops
* Fix: fixd the is_ajax() error function from the admin area