bug fix: fixed include by id's from dynamic field, and terms from dynamic field in post selection
* Fix: fixed a small issue with search page and load more
* Fix: fix vimeo videos stoppped playing bug
* Fix: fixed popular posts plugin integration
* Fix: removed some console logs in filter.js file
* Fix: fixed ajax pagination jump
* Fix: fixed unitegallery strict standards bugs
* Change: renamed field - "use dynamic fields" to "use current post data" in widget editor
* Change: updated freemius sdk to: 2.4.5
* Feature: added debug to remote elements
* Fix: made some protection against wrong animation names in carousel
* Fix: added some small fixes to carousel and remote sync js libraries
* Fix: done a better find closest section in remote
* Fix: fixed not showing values in elementor editor post selectors
* Feature: added option to set title field in items
* Fix: fixed some more lazy load related protections in galleries
* Fix: Fixed some Elementor 3.7 deprecation issues
-feature: added option to connect to another parent in remote arrows
-bug fix: fixed doubly plugin integration import bg widgets
-feature: added change url and back button in ajax filers behaviour
-bug fix: fixed remote next/prev directions in carousels
-bug fix: added some more protection against infinite loops from post content processing
* Feature: added more widget debug type - current post fields
* Feature: updated admin title on edit widget view
* Feature: added option to carousel: scroll to head
* Feature: added query data attributes into filtering grid
* Fix: fixed ajax pagination in some cases
* Fix: fixed small php bug with hover animations control
* Fix: fixed lity lightbox with vimeo autoplay
* Fix: fixed item index after shuffle
* Fix: fixed some seleted tab filters related issues
* Fix: fixed load more filter doubly ajax request in some cases
* Fix: fixed woo scedualed sale price output
* Fix: in filters replace url with pagination as well
* Fix: changed gallery arrows to svg
* Change: updated fancybox version
* Fix: Fixed bug with ajax load more and ajax pagination
* Fix: fixed double plugin versions in pro version
* Fix: fixed 1 size gap in one item owl carousel
* Fix: fixed the dissapearing options bug in mobile