-bug fix: fixed load more for current query posts
-bug fix: fixed background js based widgets with elementor popups
-bug fix: fixed unitegallery unclosed tag issue
-bug fix: fixed replace mode in tabs filters
-feature: set up remote and sync functionality for the galleries
-feature: improved post pagination debug and added force options
-feature: added code for the button filters
-feature: added option to shuffle owl carousel
-feature: added option for general "shuffle" in items
-change: changed the "choose template" setting text to attirbute title
-feature: made option for text modify, and get the current page url and current page title
-bug fix: fixed load more if offset turned on in the grid
-bug fix: fixed link control attributes parsing
-feature: get feature image of a product from a first gallery image if featured image not exists
-feature: added function "one_random" and "first" to get_items twig function
-feature: added support for jet listing item
-bug fix: fixed sync general api related bugs in elementor editor
* Feature: added tabs in items controls
* Feature: added functionality for ajax taxonomies terms filter
* Feature: added some accessability to owl carousel buttons
* Feature: added option for disable content filtering in general settings->troubleshooting
* Feature: added taxonomies in widget debug output
* Fix: fixed some gallery lazy load related js bugs
-feature: modified remote general js api to fit more types of widgets
-bug fix: fixed some small php notices output in post query
-feature: added support for put meta field in post list
-feature: add code base for the taxonomy filter
-feature: added option to highlight all carousel items
-bug fix: added support for acf fields styles in dynamic grid
-bug fix: fixed some wp-rocket and filters related bug
-feature: added active class to new owl carousel
-feature: added scroll on click functionality to new owl carousel
-bug fix: fixed some filters related issue
-feature: use yoast main category feature to determine post main category
-feature: added get woocommerce product gallery functionality to twig
-feature: added support for multiple attribute conditoins values
-feature: added menu order in advanced widget debug type
-bug fix: added custom attributes to link attributes output
-feature: added WooCommerce endpoints links code to twig
-feature: added option to disable font awesome in general settings
bug fix: fixed db table not found php bug in some cases
* Fix: fixed some connected widgets bugs when there is many of them in the page
* Change: removed the black friday sale banner
* Feature: added general remote API for various widgets connections
* Feature: add some code base for the new gallery output
-bug fix: fixed similar post content in post list
-change: saparated remote and sync options in connected widgets settings