-change: set cache folder inside wp-uploads
-feature: added option to get terms last level only - for post list / grid
-feature: added twig function - get_current_user
-feature: disabled right click on html5 galleries (unite gallery)
-bug fix: the image and video repeater was missing default items
-bug fix: fixed load more and filters on a search page
-bug fix: fixed carousel stage padding issues
-bug fix: fixed carousel 1 item one pixel issues
-bug fix: fixed default values in responsive selectors
* Feature: added integration with "sticky posts switch" plugin
* Feature: added special attribute type - entrance animation
* Fix: fixed sync bug between two similar elements
* Fix: fixed filters loading with wp-rocket lazy load scripts
* Fix: fixed put_hide_ids_css function small bug
* Fix: fixed fetch 2 and more widgets within one section for filtering
* Fix: fixed slider control js empty output bug
* Fix: fixed gallery title as number js bug
* Fix: fixed gallery images from meta fields source as array
-feature: added integration for wpml media change
-feature: bug fix: fixed hover animations setting don't work on front in some cases
-bug fix: fixed blank window opened by a link
-bug fix: fixed acf boolean value present
-bug fix: fixed another gallery related lazy load issues
-feature: in post selection by date added options for "future from today", and "future from tomorrow".
-feature: added new function: "put_hide_ids_css" to hide some css comma saparated id's from css tab.
-feature: added support for ajax refresh for multiple synced grids together
-feature: added option to test instagram data
-feature: added phpinfo view in settings - troubleshooting
* Feature: made option to put elementor post_content inside post widget if the post made by elementor
* Feature: added additional fields to getPostAuthor function like avatar url and author meta
* Feature: show the "no posts" message with filters in post list / grid
* Feature: add background location (back/front) to background widgets
* Feature: done option to get post parent with the posts in posts selection
* Fix: set prices display in woocommerce widgets including tax
* Fix: fixed editor js files didn't loaded bug
* Fix: fixed css output with dynamic template and inline css mode
* Fix: fixed the ajax pagination that now works with post based gallery widget
* Fix: fixed filters scripts loading before jquery in js
* Fix: allow to select empty terms in term selection control
* Change: set default values of responsive number / slider / dropdown controls to desktop default values
* Fix: fixed title and description source in gallery source selection
* Fix: fixed the dropdown attribute php filter for elementor
* Feature: added "menu_id" for various uses as menu attribute output
* Feature: added option for side offset in owl carousel
* Feature: added option for second items html refresh in ajax filters
* Fix: fixed simple meta output for post list
* Feature: made dynamic grid work with filters
* Feature: the background widgets works for the new container objects as well
* Feature: added include by another meta field in post query
-feature: added option to modify dropdown items in php
-bug fix: fixed gallery default items preview and init
-bug fix: fixed remote counter js error
bug fix: fixed dissapearing items in remote related widgets
* Feature: added roles to post filter: single, main and child
* Feature: added option "placeholder" and "disable dynamic" for text field control
* Feature: added option for debug meta fields in post list, post grid
* Fix: fixed some pagination widget buttons related issues
* Fix: fixed non clickable items in some widgets
* Fix: fixed put_items(0) - first item output in twig
* Feature: added functionality to put image inside taxonomy terms widget
* Fix: fixed load more on archive page with orderby=xxx filter in url
* Fix: made support for woocommerce special order by in load more
* Change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.3 version (Security fix)