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Log Update Item Kadence Blocks Pro
This page only show history update item Kadence Blocks Pro.

* Update: Prevent split content block from showing broken if advanced heading disabled.

* Fix: issue with animate on scroll loading in sidebar.

* Fix: Issue with modal and section not showing dynamic content correctly archive.

Fix: issue with dynamic content src archive description adding extra paragraph tag.

* Update: Tweak some javascript around animation on scroll.

* Update: API Class.

* Update: Dynamic Content filters, better context control.

* Update: Image overlay link field with clear link option.

* Update: Split Content block cover image when text is larger then min-height setting.

* Update: CSS specificity with post grid title color.

* Update: MailChimp API requests item limit.

* Add: Aria Label option to video popup.

* Add: Mapping for fields for Webhook.

* Add: Post Grid title hover color option.

* Fix: Thumbnail gallery load layout shift.

* Fix: Issue with Image overlay. 

* Fix: Issue with post grid selecting by custom taxonomy.

* Fix: Issue with product carousel individual select.

* Update: Dynamic content to work better in query block.

* Fix: Modal z index.

* Fix: Issue with color picker in some blocks.

* Fix: IP address issue in entries.

* Add: Mailchimp tag support.

* Fix: Hex color input.

* Fix: ACF Site Options.

* Update: Video Pop dynamic image.

* Fix: Individual select for post grid.

* Add: Text transform control to image overlay.

* Add: Max width to image overlay.

* Add: Basic Responsive support for split content in editor.

* Update: Automatically exclude current post in post blocks.

* Update: in Element preview with latest post using dynamic content.

* Fix: issue with split content overlap.

* Fix: Overlay color opacity select.

* Fix: Post Block issue with google fonts when added to a sidebar.

* Fix: Issue with widget screen.

* Fix: Issue with post grid carousel in tabs.

* Update: Split content image link settings.

* Fix: Modal button border-radius setting.

* Fix: Activation issue.