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Log Update Item Kadence Blocks Pro
This page only show history update item Kadence Blocks Pro.

* Update: By default force sticky posts to not increase the posts per page when using post grid without pagination.

* Update: Option to disable link on title in post grid block.

* Fix: Issue with form entries search.

* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll when below a carousel.

* Fix: Issue with inline dynamic content not showing meta field options.

* Fix: Issue with relationship ACF field where return is an object.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries in columns.

* Fix: Issue with form entries meta not being removed correctly when entry is deleted.

Fix: Issue with carousel not loading with async.

* Add: Dynamic HTML Block.

* Add: Relationship Dynamic Content Options.

* Add: Filter to optionally enable dynamic content for password protected posts.

* Update: Splide js.

* Fix: Issue with Typography component not saving.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery using slider type.

* Fix: Issue with post grid padding when only one direction set in mobile and tablet.

* Fix: Issue with autoplaying carousels in tabs.

* Fix: Issue with portfolio grid block pagination.

* Add: BoxShadow controls to modal block link.

* Update: Modal block with option to hide popup content when block is not selected.

* Fix: ACF checkboxes not showing highlighted in custom post meta for dynamic list.

* Fix: Issue with Advanced Slider Inner Max Width.

* Fix: Issue with carousel in tabs.

* Fix: Issue with modal link icon when using em units.

* Fix: Carousel Order being one off once rendered.

* Fix: Autoplay always one in post grid carousel.

* Update: Improve responsive settings selection when in widgets block editor.

* Fix: Issue with ACF and Dynamic Gallery.

* Fix: Issue were portfolio carousel block and product carousel block on the same page created a conflict

* Fix: Issue with post grid carousel, autoplay, gap settings and missing styles.

* Fix: Issue with meta font size in post grid block.

* Fix: Issue with content padding and background in post grid block.

* Add: Option to clear animation settings.

* Tweak: Possible issue with taxonomies.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic fallback image in image block.

* Add: taxonomy as a conditional display option.

* Update: Dynamic content for image block.

* Update: Add more Image ratio options for post and portfolio grid.

* Fix: Conditionally display controls.