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Log Update Item Kadence Blocks Pro
This page only show history update item Kadence Blocks Pro.

* Update: Small change to the way hooked components work.

* Update: Custom icon frontend support.

* Add: Woocommerce product gallery dynamic source.

* Update: Screen reader text for pagination.

* Update: Prevent issue with RankMath in sitemap XML sitemap.

* Fix: Issue with Slide transition in advanced slider.

* Fix: Issue with modal focus transfer when closed.

* Fix: Author images alt text.

* Add: ActiveCampaign subscribe to form block.

* Update: Custom icons to save sets as data and not files.

* Update: Taxonomy Select for conditionals.

* Update: Dynamic Content, custom field selection reload when source changes.

* Update: Custom field rest call to use relationship as source.

* Update: Modal button color selection.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery styles.

* Fix: Issue with ACF archive custom meta.

* Fix: Slider transition issue.

* Fix: Extra min height control issue with slider.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery block and conditional display.

* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll not working consistently after layout shift.

* Fix: Language strings, missing in translation.

Fix: Issue with missing selection when using custom field for dynamic link.

Fix: Issue with post grid carousel not rendering in admin.

* Add: Pods Framework support to dynamic content.

* Update: Author custom fields in link settings.

* Update: include kadence_blocks_pro_product_carousel_atts filter.

* Update: Add option to show author image in meta for post carousel grid block.

* Update: Improve css when selecting dynamic fields.

* Fix: Issue with carousel when empty.

* Fix: Issue with show more and loop templates.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic content selector in split content.

* Fix: Issue with thumbnail gallery slider showing navigation dots.

* Fix: Issue with image overlay block and loop templates.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic html block and relationship content.

* Fix: Translations not working.

* Fix: Issue with fallback text in dynamic content.

* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll and some elements.

* Fix: Link style in dynamic list block.

* Fix: Autoplay speed.

* Add: Add option for auto scroll carousel.

* Fix: Issues with dynamic content not pulling in context.

* Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries and thumbnails.

* Fix: Issue with slow scrolling carousel.