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Log Update Item EduMall - Professional LMS Education Center WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item EduMall - Professional LMS Education Center WordPress Theme.

- Updated :

  • Insight Core plugin v.2.2.7
  • Insight Swatches plugin v.1.2.3

- Fixed :

  • External Product Add to cart

- Added :

  • Course Tag Filter widget.

- Updated :

  • Hide complete lesson button for unenrolled users.

- Fixed :

  • Course single style

- Added :

  • Tutor LMS Certificate Builder plugin

- Updated :

  • Tutor LMS plugin v.1.9.11
  • Test up BuddyPress 9.1.1

- Updated :

  • Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.8
  • Tutor LMS plugin v.1.9.9

- Fixed :

  • Single quiz attempt info.
  • Product Variation Add to Cart


  • Show Course Attachments, Q&A, Announcements, GG Class Room in Single Course for Admin and Course Owner when Course Content Access enabled.


  • Instructor list not showing.
  • Compatible with Tutor 1.9.8

- Updated :

  • Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.6
  • Tutor LMS plugin v.1.9.6
  • BuddyPress test up to 9.0.0

- Fixed :

  • UI Date picker css

- Fixed :

  • Profile page missing phone number.
  • Previous attempts responsive style
  • Single Quiz responsive

- Added :

  • Zoom added to the Frontend Dashboard
  • Field to add Course Tags in Frontend course builder

- Updated :

  • Jetpack compatible.
  • Tutor LMS Pro plugin v.1.9.4
  • Update Dashboard menu icon.
  • Move Zoom's settings form Dashboard - Settings to Dashboard - Zoom - Set API

- Fixed :

Single Course share style

Public Course required login to view lessons

WP Widget: Tutor Course show PHP warning

- Improvement :

Change Public Course button text from "Enroll Now" to "Start Learning"