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Log Update Item EduMall - Professional LMS Education Center WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item EduMall - Professional LMS Education Center WordPress Theme.

- Updated :

Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.21

- Fixed:

Quiz type style

Tutor Modal style

Quiz submit not working in Question Single Layout

- Updated :

Tested up Tutor LMS 2.0.2

Fix Assignment

Fix Quiz

- Fixed

Question & answer not working properly

minor course style

- Updated :

Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.20

- Fixed :

Missing functions in Tutor LMS

Tested up with Elementor 3.6.2

Tested up with BuddyPress 10.2.0

PHP warning with PHP 8.x

- Fixed :

Missing functions in Tutor LMS

Tested up Elementor 3.6.1

- Updated :

  • Insight Core plugin v.2.4.0
  • Insight Swatch plugin v.1.3.0
  • Edumall Addons plugin v.1.2.0
  • Tutor LMS Pro plugin v.2.0.1
  • Tutor LMS Certificate Builder plugin v.1.0.2
  • Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.19

- Fixed :

  • Elementor column gap
  • Compatible with Tutor LMS 2.0
  • Fix dashboard design

- Updated :

Elementor Templates support for Custom Post Type

- Updated :

  • Insight Core plugin v.2.2.8
  • Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.14
  • Tutor LMS Pro plugin v.1.9.14

- Fixed :

  • Lesson sidebar toggle bug
  • Out-date BuddyPress templates
  • Minor lesson page style

- Updated :

Insight Core plugin v.2.2.8

Revolution Slider plugin v.6.5.14

Tutor LMS Pro plugin v.1.9.14

- Fixed :

Lesson sidebar toggle bug

Out-date BuddyPress templates

- Updated :

Update plugins

Quiz complete status on Lesson single.