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Log Update Item Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin
This page only show history update item Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin.

* New: Added a new Format number as currency setting to Slider fields as well as additional Use custom currency format settings to make customizing the slider field value formatting as easy as possible.

* New: Long field names are no longer truncated in submit button and action conditional logic dropdowns to make the names easier to read.

* New: Added a new not_equals alias for conditional shortcodes that works the same as not_equal.

* New: The frm_after_duplicate_field hook is now also triggered when a section is duplicated.

* Fix: An unknown column id database error was occasionally preventing new the new Application flow as items were being added.

* Fix: Thumbnails for images were missing when moving between form pages and a generic document icon was being used instead.

* Fix: A conflict with Yoast was preventing protected files from generating sizes properly. This caused issues with files appearing in summary fields when Yoast was active.

* Fix: Application pop ups were occasionally getting cut off leaving the buttons in the footer inaccessible.

* New: Autocomplete dropdowns in the back end will now include an aria-label on the options to avoid accessibility issues with screen readers only reading ID values.

* New: A redirect will now happen after a form is duplicated to avoid issues with multiple duplicate actions on page refresh.

* New: Added additional styling for repeaters in tables shown in email actions to show indentation for the repeated data.

* New: Added a Save and Reload button that appears after installing a required add on when clicking a field with missing requirements from the form builder.

* Fix: The aria-describedby attribute will now be ordered intentionally so errors get first priority by default. Checks have been added to avoid duplicate ids appearing in aria-describedby attributes as well.

* Fix: A few issues with label position settings were introduced with last update that are now fixed. Labels were appearing when the "none" label position setting was set.

* Fix: Automation settings were appearing for action types that don't support automation when the Form Action Automation add on wasn't active.

* Fix: Fixed a caching conflict that would cause back end pages to break on some servers with an frmDom is not defined console error.

* Fix: Labels were appearing overlapped over input fields when previewed from the style manager for styles with the inline label position setting.

* Updated the icon for Zapier.

New: Temporary uploaded files will now be deleted with a cron job when crons are enabled.

New: Added a new Autocomplete setting to Text fields for defining the autocomplete attribute value in HTML.

Fix: Expired licenses were appearing as "Premium" in the license settings section with an option to upgrade to Elite and will now properly show the license type before it was expired.

Fix: Summary fields would display a "You do not have permission to do that" message for inaccessible protected files. Now an icon based off of file type will be displayed instead of the permission error.

Fix: Warnings were appearing when editing entries with Likert fields in some cases.

New: RGB and RGBA color values will now be fixed automatically on save if incomplete to avoid broken CSS.

* New: Unlocked application templates now appear at the top of the list of templates.

* New: Improved the responsiveness of the cards on the Application dashboard page.

* Fix: Prevent a conflict with All in One SEO that was preventing CSS from loading at all when the only on applicable pages setting is selected.

* Fix: An unexpected add new button was appearing on a few pages and has been removed.

* Fix: Prevent a fatal error in PHP8 that happens on sites with an unexpected empty string gmt_offset option set.

* New: Added a new applications page for displaying available Formidable application templates.

* New: Imported views and pages with [formidable] and [display-frm-data] shortcodes will now replace old form and view ids with the new imported ids.

* New: Imported forms will now replace the old field ids with new field ids when the id is used in a field_id shortcode option.

* Fix: Field id values were not always properly updating when duplicating a form depending on the order of the fields.

Fix: Step value validation was occasionally breaking in some cases due to rounding precision issues.