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Log Update Item Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin
This page only show history update item Formidable Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder Plugin.

* New: HTML emails using wpautop will now also convert line breaks into <br /> tags.

* New: Improved support for importing large XML files. Previously a file over 200MB would trigger a "parser error : internal error: Huge input lookup" error.

* Fix: When an HTML email includes a body tag, only the content of the body tag will use wpautop.

* Fix: A duplicated field group would merge into one larger field group instead of creating a second identical field group as expected.

* Fix: The "Add Fields Here" placeholder wouldn't hide after duplicating a section until after refreshing the page.

* Fix: The Screen Options tab was not hidden after duplicating an entry, causing it to overlap the update button.

* Fix: An imported view shortcode was not properly updating to its new ID value if the post containing it did not also include a [formidable] shortcode.

* Fix: Tooltips that overlap the element that triggered the tooltip would cause the tooltip to flicker on and off.

* Fix: The ellipses icon that triggers shortcode pop ups was offset incorrectly in of text fields inside of form actions.

* Fix: The update button was missing on the alternative style editor submenu link available from the WordPress themes menu.

* Fix: Honeypot fields should no longer gain focus when tabbing through fields in Chrome.

* Fix: Fields wouldn't follow the cursor as expected after scrolling the page while dragging.

* Fix: Recent styling updates were applying to radio buttons in the form builder by mistake, causing them to look incorrect.

* Front end polyfills for IE8 have been removed, reducing the size of the loaded script file.

* Added additional form builder restrictions so a hidden field and page break don't become part of a field group.